The Bronze Dragonflight, with some semblance of domain over time, are often willing and ready to send adventurers back to tackle ancient foes of Azeroth’s past. This is done through Timewalking, a system that scales your enemies to your level after recent changes. You can tackle dungeons and raids from the active Timewalking expansion for the duration it is active. You’ll get some loot from the bosses, sure, some of which may be an upgrade…but you’ll also get Timewarped Badges to turn in for mounts, heirlooms, and more!
After recent alterations to Timewalking, the process of farming Timewarped Badges has been complicated. In this guide, you’ll first be exposed to the basics of Timewalking, which will be helpful for those new to this system. After that, new methods for effectively gathering Timewarped Badges will be given to help you obtain the vendor rewards. Once that is all explained, a few of the most interesting, new, or useful rewards will be listed. Let’s get to it!
Timewalking Basics
Timewalking events last for one week and typically occur once every three weeks. You can find the next event on the in-game calendar, as well as if there is one ongoing. In total, there are 18 Timewalking events every year, with limited exceptions. During the event, you can queue for dungeons from the referenced time period. You may also complete raids from the active Timewalking expansion, depending on availability. Your character and the enemies you’ll face will be scaled so that you don’t one-shot everything—what fun is that, after all? Depending on the level of your character, the gear you receive will be different, scaling to what is appropriate for your level.
The following expansions are included in the rotation as of The War Within, with the raids and dungeons listed below included in the event.
- Dungeons
- The Deadmines
- Zul’Farrak
- Dire Maul (East)
- Dire Maul (West)
- Stratholme (New)
- Stratholme (Old)
The Burning Crusade
- Dungeons
- The Blood Furnace
- The Botanica
- Magister’s Terrace
- Mana Tombs
- The Shattered Halls
- The Underbog
- Raids
- Black Temple
Wrath of the Lich King
- Dungeons
- Ahn’kahet
- Gundrak
- Halls of Lightning
- The Nexus
- Utgarde Pinnacle
- Pit of Saron
- Raids
- Ulduar
- Dungeons
- End Time
- Grim Batol
- Lost City of the Tol’vir
- The Stonecore
- The Vortex Pinnacle
- Throne of the Tides
- Raids
- Firelands
Mists of Pandaria
- Dungeons
- Gate of the Setting Sun
- Temple of the Jade Serpent
- Stormstout Brewery
- Siege of Niuzao Temple
- Shado-Pan Monastery
- Mogu’shan Palace
Warlords of Draenor
- Dungeons
- The Everbloom
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Iron Docks
- Auchindoun
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- Skyreach
- Dungeons
- Black Rook Hold
- Court of Stars
- Darkheart Thicket
- Eye of Azshara
- Neltharion’s Lair
- Vault of the Wardens
While running these dungeons and raids, take note of the other benefits of Timewalking. For those who are looking to level alts, collect mounts obtainable from old factions at exalted, or just wanting to farm an already quick faction grind such as the Golden Lotus, Timewalking is an excellent occasion to do so. While an event is active, you get 50% increased reputation gains from questing and killing mobs associated with the current Timewalking expansion.
This is exciting news for some, but most players seek to uncover rewards that require Timewarped Badges—and a lot of them. Those Timewarped Badges were once quite easy to farm, but since recent updates, they have become more scarce.
Farming Timewarped Badges
Now we arrive at the meat of this guide! In a hotfix announced back on November 20th, 2024, it was revealed that characters under level 30 will not receive item drops from Timewalking. Received with a mixture of reactions, this hotfix was intended to combat the rise of using an allied race character to run one dungeon, acquire the quest item for the event, turn it in for Timewarped Badges, and then promptly delete it. While this process may sound monotonous, it was hailed as the most effective farming method for quite a while. Now, players must find new methods for quick acquisition of Timewarped Badges–and several useful methods have been found and explained!
First off, the actual number of badges you can get per activity should be covered. Note that this list may not be exhaustive, due to the ever-evolving nature of Timewalking.
- Archivist Frithrun Quests - Dornogal (46.4, 49.2)
- Task: This NPC offers a weekly quest each reset. During Timewalking events, you can pick up a quest asking you to complete 5 Timewalking dungeons or slay 5 raid bosses from the active Timewalking raid if the active event entails that one is available since not all Timewalking events have raids. Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking has UIduar, for example, while Classic Timewalking only offers dungeons
- Reward: 100 Timewarped Badges and various loot
- Relic Quests
- Task: Upon completing your first Timewalking dungeon for the active event, you will receive a quest item that can be turned in for rewards to the appropriate NPC, determined by the active Timewalking expansion
- Reward: 500 Timewarped Badges for first completion per event per account, 200 Timewarped Badges for subsequent Warband completions per event
- Disturbance Quests
- Task: If the active event includes a raid, such as Black Temple for The Burning Crusade’s event, there will be an NPC that will queue you for the raid which can be found in the location appropriate for the active expansion. This NPC offers a quest for the associated raid, awarding you with glory and spoils
- Reward: 500 Timewarped Badges for first completion per event per account, 300 Timewarped Badges for subsequent Warband completions per event
- Dungeon Boss Kills
- Task: Kill a boss in a Timewalking dungeon, excluding the final boss
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Dungeon End Boss Kills
- Task: Kill the final boss of a Timewalking dungeon
- Reward: 20 Timewarped Badges
- Completing Random Timewalking Dungeons
- Task: Queue for and complete a Timewalking dungeon as a role not flagged for Call to Arms
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Completing Random Timewalking Dungeons - Call to Arms
- Task: Queue for and complete a Timewalking dungeon as a role flagged for Call to Arms, typically as a healer or tank during slow periods (midday on weekdays)
- Reward: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Raid Boss Kills
- Task: Kill a boss in a Timewalking raid, excluding the final boss
- Reward: 20 Timewarped Badges
- Raid End Boss Kills
- Task: Kill the final boss of a Timewalking raid
- Reward: 50 Timewarped Badges
20th Anniversary Exclusives - Alterac Valley of Olde
- Alterac Valley of Olde
- Task: Complete a match
- Reward: 20 Timewarped Badges for wins, 10 Timewarped Badges for losses
- Korrak
- Task: Complete the quest “Korrak the Bloodrager” or “The Legend of Korrak” depending on your faction
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Zinfizzlex’s Portable Shredder Unit
- Task: Complete the quest “Zinfizzlex’s Portable Shredder Unit”
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Mine Capture
- Task: Complete the quest “Capture a Mine”
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Graveyards
- Task: Complete the quest “The Graveyard of Alterac” or “Alterac Valley Graveyards” depending on your faction
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Scrapping
- Task: Complete the quest “Armor Scraps” or “Enemy Booty” depending on your faction
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Further Scrapping
- Task: Complete the quest “More Armor Scraps” or “More Booty” depending on your faction
- Reward: 1 Timewarped Badge
- Stable Emptying
- Task: Complete the quest “Empty Stables”
- Reward: 2 Timewarped Badges
- Towers, Bunkers, and Badges
- Task: Complete the quest “Towers and Bunkers”
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Quartermaster
- Task: Complete the quest “The Quartermaster” or “Speak with our Quartermaster” depending on your faction
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
- Coldtooth Supplies
- Task: Complete the quest “Coldtooth Supplies”
- Reward: 2 Timewarped Badges
- Irondeep Supplies
- Task: Complete the quest “Irondeep Supplies”
- Reward: 2 Timewarped Badges
- Attack Commencement!
- Task: Complete the quest “Begin the Attack!” or “Launch the Attack!” depending on your faction
- Reward: 10 Timewarped Badges
20th Anniversary Exclusives - General
- Gatecrashers
- Task: Complete the quest “Timely Gate Crashers”
- Reward: 150 Timewarped Badges
- The Originals
- Task: Complete the quest “The Originals”
- Reward: 150 Timewarped Badges
- Reflection
- Task: Complete the quest “A Time to Reflect”
- Reward: 5 Timewarped Badges
With the numbers out of the way, we can now discuss the best ways to farm Timewarped Badges in World of Warcraft: The War Within! All three of these methods are highly effective, but work better with different playstyles.
20th Anniversary Method: Complete the previously discussed 20th Anniversary Event exclusives to earn Timewarped Badges and Bronze Celebration Tokens. Once you have enough tokens to purchase all the event items you want, buy them. Continue to complete the methods for obtaining tokens and then go to Historian Ma’di in Tanaris (62.6, 50.4) to exchange each token for 20 Timewarped Badges. Sold in increments of 20 (Bag of Timewarped Badges), 100 (Satchel of Timewarped Badges), and 500 (Box of Timewarped Badges). If you already have all of your desired rewards purchased, then consider each leftover token an extra 20 badges!
Altoholic Method: If you have just a few (a lot) too many alt characters, or if you’re someone who generally enjoys leveling new toons just to abandon them to dust, this is the method for you! First, complete your rounds for Timewalking on your main level 80 character–including all quests, item turn-ins, and other means of gaining badges through Timewalking dungeons or raids. Then, if you have any other max-level characters, do the same tasks on them. After that point, you can level up new alts, or just grind out disposable characters. Having unlocked at least one allied race is a good idea for this. Your character will have to be level 30 or so to get the full benefits, so follow a leveling guide (most effective) or just level up in Warlords of Draenor Chromie Time (less effective but easier).
Twink Method: Wanna blast through Timewalking dungeons and potentially carry some friends with you? Well, here’s your claim to fame! A character at level 10 or 11 will work best, so disable your experience gains early on with Behsten in Stormwind (87.4, 36.0) or Slahtz in Orgrimmar (74.2, 44.4). Brewmaster Monks (better at level 10) and Fury Warriors (better at level 11) are popular picks for this purpose. Get optimal gear from 20th Anniversary Event vendors in Tanaris or use other means of acquisition, such as the auction house. Flesh out your build with heirlooms. After that, all you have to do is enchant eligible weaponry with the Lifestealing enchantment, learn how to spam Spinning Crane Kick or Whirlwind, and queue for dungeons with your main toon and/or friends! If boosting your own character, be sure to set it to follow the twink.
Using Timewarped Badges–The Best Purchases!
The best ways to use your Timewarped Badges are subjective, but there are some rather worthwhile rewards that the community agrees on. Most Timewalking rewards are purchased from their respective vendors, but some are not. The main example of this is the Infinite Reaver mount. It drops from Timewalking dungeon and raid bosses…rarely. Despite its excruciating rarity, collectors still chase this mount, as it has a stunning and unique model. Timewarped Badges are still useful for collecting, though, and listed below are some of the best vendor rewards from Timewalking. Note that many, many more rewards are available, including heirlooms and heirloom upgrades. These are just highlights!
Any Timewalking Event
- Sandy Shalewing
- Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Formerly a Feat of Strength reward, this mount was unobtainable for quite a while. Nowadays, you can just outright purchase it–no more turbulence and time to waste! See what the pun is there? As we all should have realized after Dragonflight’s introduction of the Boulder Hauler and accompanying mounts, Shalewings are debatably somewhere between terrifying and adorable as far as flying mounts go. This one is no exception. Hey, at least this flying nightmare fuel is available for purchase!
20th Anniversary Event - Bobadormu, Tanaris (62.8, 50.2)
- Commendations
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 500 reputation with the following factions: Argent Dawn, Brood of Nozdormu, Hydraxian Waterlords, Thorium Brotherhood, Timbermaw Hold, Wintersaber Trainers, and Zandalar Tribe
- Craggles
- Cost: 2200 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: A black boar battle pet which, despite its fairly mundane move set, will still make an excellent companion to bring you back to the good ol’ days
- Kreeg’s Hardy Draught
- Cost: 25 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: A smashed ogre is a happy ogre, and this will make you very much a smashed and happy ogre (along with your friends). If that didn’t convince you, this extremely potent alcohol is reusable on a 30-minute cooldown. No hangovers, though! Or should it be said as hang-ogres? No, no, read that wrong and it's too morbid…
- Titles - Notary Grably, Tanaris (63.2, 50.6)
- Cost: 100 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Exclusive titles are available at this vendor during the 20th Anniversary Event to commemorate your favorite times of the past! Titles include Broken Isles Enthusiast, Cataclysm Enthusiast, Classic Enthusiast, Draenor Enthusiast, Dragon Isles Enthusiast, Kul Tiras/Zandalar Enthusiast, Northrend Enthusiast, Outland Enthusiast, Pandaria Enthusiast, Shadowlands Enthusiast, Grizzly Hills Hiker, Karazhan Graduate, Molten Core Prospector, and Plaguelands Survivor. It may be hard to pick just one out of all of those titles. Luckily, you just read a guide that will help you obtain enough Timewarped Badges to get them all
Classic - Historian Ju’pa, Orgrimmar (36.4, 74.4) or Historian Llore, Stormwind (84.6, 25.0)
- Overtuned Corgi Goggles
- Cost: 200 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: In crowded places, unfamiliar faces roam. Don these goggles and turn the toggle–you’ll see corgi crowds with this visual shroud! With less cheesy rhyming, purchasing this item will allow you to see other characters as corgis. As an extra benefit, it can reduce lag in especially crowded areas
The Burning Crusade - Cupri, Shattrath City (54.6, 38.4)
- Commendations
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 500 reputation with the following factions: Cenarion Expedition, Consortium, Honor Hold, Keepers of Time, Lower City, Sha’tar, and Thrallmar
- Area 52 Tabard
- Cost: 500 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Another tabard transmog for collectors with a rather…interesting appearance
- Grimoire of the Void Touched Fel Imp
- Cost: 1000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Unlocks a new minion customization for use by your Warlock characters in the barbershop
- Crate of Meat/Barrel of Fish
- Cost: 25 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: A random assortment of meat and fish for the low price of your extra Timewarped Badges!
- Bag of Fishing Treasures
- Cost: 150 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: An assortment of goodies, from the transmog Noble’s Monocle to Jaggal Pearls can come out of this bag. If you’re lucky, you may also get Chuck, Muckbreath, Snarly, or Toothy as companion pets! If you’re extra lucky, you may even learn how to make Captain Rumsey’s Lager–drink responsibly…
Wrath of the Lich King - Auzin, Northrend Dalaran (50.4, 47.8)
- Commendations
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 500 reputation with the following factions: Alliance Vanguard, Argent Crusade, Knights of the Ebon Blade, Horde Expedition, Kirin Tor, Sons of Hodir, and Wyrmrest Accord
- Bag of Fishing Treasures
- Cost: 150 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Can contain a massive variety of over 35 items. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get, although Deviate Fish seems to be common
- Ensembles
- Cost: 2500 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: What can be said, really? These special transmog sets include the following: Brunnhildar’s Scout Kit, Coldarra Spellbinder’s Regalia, Drakkari Stalker’s Trappings, Jotunheim Berserker’s Battleplate, Ymirjar Deathbringer’s Battleplate
- Grizzlesnout’s Fang
- Cost: 750 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Takes you really far across Northrend. If your friends are ever annoying you in the icy place of death, here’s a good escape!
- Small Spice Bag
- Cost: 25 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Can contain some strange spices, as well as recipes for Delicious Chocolate Cake, Stormchops, and Captain Rumsey’s Lager
Cataclysm - Kiatke, Stormwind (76.0, 17.6) or Orgrimmar (52.0, 41.6)
- Commendations
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 500 reputation with the following factions: Dragonmaw Clan, The Earthen Ring, Guardians of Hyjal, Ramkahen, Wildhammer Clan, and Therazane
- Broodling of Sinestra
- Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: A newly added mount that has given many players deja vu, you can spend hours flying on this drake and trying to figure out why this recolor is so close to the original color!
- Tosselwrench’s Mega-Accurate Simulation Viewfinder
- Cost: 3000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: With an absurdly long name and fairly hefty cost, this toy will let you watch Deathwing’s defeat every 30 minutes. Morale boost, right?
Mists of Pandaria - Mistweaver Xia, Timeless Isle (43.0, 55.4)
- Commendations
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 300 reputation with the following factions: Anglers, August Celestials, Dominance Offensive, Emperor Shaohao, Golden Lotus, Kirin Tor Offensive, Klaxxi, Operation: Shieldwall, Order of the Cloud Serpent, Shado-Pan Assault, Shado-Pan, Sunreaver Onslaught, and Tillers
- Adopted Puppy Crate
- Cost: 1000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: This toy will allow you to summon doggy mayhem. 10 minutes of endless puppies once every hour? Yes, please!
- NPC Objects of Interest
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Depending on which NPC’s gift you purchase, your results may be different. You can get the Blue Feather for Old Hillpaw or Chee Chee, the Jade Cat for Fish Fellreed or Ella, the Lovely apple for Jogu the Drunk or Sho, the Ruby Shard for Haohan or Tina Mudclaw, or the Marsh Lily for Farmer Fung or Gina Mudclaw
Warlords of Draenor - Kronnus, Warspear (42.8, 54.6) or Tempra, Stormshield (37.2, 72.6)
- Commendations
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 300 reputation with the following factions: Arakkoa Outcasts, Council of Exarchs, Frostwolf Orcs, Hand of the Prophet, Order of the Awakened, Saberstalkers, Sha’tari Defense, Steamwheedle Preservation Society, and Vol’jin’s Headhunters
- Beastlord’s Irontusk or Beastlord’s Warwolf
- Cost: 5000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Gnarly mounts with a gray/silver and rust color schemes are a welcome sight during Warlords of Draenor events, as the vendor rewards are quite bland otherwise–save for a few collectible toys
Legion - Aridomi, Broken Isles Dalaran (68.6, 48.8)
- Insignias
- Cost: 50 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Easy 250 reputation with the following factions: Argussian Reach, Armies of Legionfall, Army of the Light, Dreamweavers, The Nightfallen, Highmountain Tribe, Valarjar, and the Wardens
- Grimoire of the Fiendish Imp
- Cost: 1000 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Unlocks a new minion customization for use by your Warlock characters in the barbershop
- Ensemble: Ravencrest’s Battleplate
- Cost: 500 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: Popular transmog set for Warriors, Paladins, and Death Knights–and it’s easy to unlock. Lilac purple and silver offset the ferocious tenacity of these classes…while looking stunning!
- Cloth/Enchantment/Fish/Gem/Herb/Leather/Meat/Ore Deliveries
- Cost: 25 Timewarped Badges
- Reasoning: See that mouthful of categories to choose from? You can get a nice assortment of items, from Shal’dorei Silk to Slices of Bacon, with your Timewarped Badges. These can then be used in crafting or sold on auction house for gold
Concluding Thoughts
In World of Warcraft, a game rich with over twenty years of history and vast lore, sometimes one will inevitably long for the past. With Timewalking, players can experience old challenges as new thrills with justified rewards. Forever evolving with new means of obtaining the exclusive currency of Timewarped Badges, there are many ways to acquire the unique bounty these events offer. Now that you know how to get the currency quickly, go forth into Azeroth armed with that knowledge and with your chosen rewards in mind!