Final Fantasy XIV has a lot of classes that players can use once they enter the world of Eorzea. They can be powerful martial experts, hard-hitting spell users, or defensive supports. Gamers can choose to become Disciples of War or Disciples of Magic classes, which will influence their experience in exploring the regions throughout the game. One of the most powerful and fun jobs is the mighty Red Mage.
What is a Red Mage?
Red Mage is one of the many DPS classes in-game that came out with the Stormblood expansion. While many jobs specialize in a specific aspect, this DPS class is a hybrid between the Disciple of War and Disciple of Magic since it is a magic-ranged job using a rapier weapon, a melee item under the DoW. The Red Mage can use both black and white magic powers, making the character adept in both offense and support.
The main selling point of this hybrid class is its ability to weave spellcasting and rapier-oriented combat. This mechanic allows players to experience a broader and more flexible type of gameplay. Though they like any noticeable or relevant AoE skills, Red Mages are highly valued in raids due to their intense single-target attacks. Their heavy-hitting spell and lethal weapon skills make this class one of the most unique and fun DPS to play.
FFXIV How to Unlock Red Mage
To be inducted as a Red Mage, players need to be at least level 50 in either Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic, aside from owning the Stormblood expansion. Once these conditions have been met, gamers should interact with the Distraught Lass in Ul’dah - Steps of Thal. Upon accepting and completing the quest “Taking the Red,” adventurers can finally play as Red Mages. They will have access to various class-related missions as they level their newly acquired job.
Gear and Materia: Optimal Weapons & Armor
Due to the nature of the class, Red Mages need stats that will help them deal more damage. Unlike most jobs, this DPS prioritizes different combat points that would be attributed to both Disciples of War and Disciples of Magic. Here are the best stats for Red Mages in order:
- Weapon Damage
- Intelligence
- Vitality
- Critical Hit
- Determination
- Direct Hit
- Spell Speed
Ideally, players should have a balance between Weapon Damage and Intelligence to increase the damage output of both their weapon skills and spells. Crit Hit, Direct Hit, and Determination are good alternatives for the other two. Spell Speed is the last considerable option since it doesn’t influence attack output as much as the other stats. The main thought here is that players should allocate their points to reach certain stat tiers and find the distribution that works for them.
For gear, the best items would be the ones that would help Red Mages tremendously in raids and dungeons. Equipment with Determination, DH, or Crit is the best one for this class. Here is the BiS gear for this hybrid DPS:
Best Gear Setup
- Asphodelos Foil – DH +36 | DH +36
- Asphodelos Headgear of Casting – DH +36 | DET +36
- Asphodelos Chiton of Casting – DH +36 | DH +36
- Asphodelos Wristbands of Casting – DH +36 | DH +36
- Augmented Radiant’s Hose of Casting – CRIT +36 | CRIT +36
- Augmented Radiant’s Greaves of Casting – DH +36 | DET +36
- Augmented Radiant’s Earrings of Casting – CRIT +36 | DH +36
- Asphodelos Necklace of Casting – DET +36 | DET +36
- Augmented Radiant’s Bracelet of Casting – DH +36 | DET +36
- Augmented Radiant’s Ring of Casting – DET +36 | DET +36
- Asphodelos Ring of Casting – CRIT +36 | CRIT +36
Alternative Gear Setup (Should Always be Replaced by the Previous Setup)
- Classical Smallsword – DH +36 | DH +36 | DH +36 | DH +12 | DH +12
- Classical Signifier’s Horns – DH +36 | DET +36 | DET +36 | DET +12 | DET +12
- Classical Signifier’s Chiton – CRIT +36 | CRIT +36 | CRIT +36 | CRIT +12 | CRIT +12
- Limbo Wristbands of Casting – DH +36 | DH +36
- Classical Signifier’s Culottes – CRIT +36 | CRIT +36 | CRIT +36 | CRIT +12 | CRIT +12
- Limbo Gaiters of Casting – CRIT +36 | CRIT +36
- Classical Earrings of Casting – DET +36 | DH +36 | DH +12 | DH +12 | DH +12
- Classical Choker of Casting – DET +36 | DET +36 | DET +12 | DET +12 | DET +12
- Classical Wristband of Casting – CRIT +36 | DH +36 | DH +12 | DH +12 | DH +12
- Classical Ring of Casting – DH +36 | DH +36 | DH +12 | DH +12 | DH +12
- Classical Ring of Casting – DH +36 | DH +36 | DH +12 | DH +12 | DH +12
For Materia, the best ones to use for melding prioritize Critical Hit over anything else. Determination, followed by Direct Hit, follows this stat. The last attribute that should be considered is Spell Casting. While the previous stat provides faster cast times and more mana generation, it ultimately does not help with generating more damage.
Red Mage Job Quests
For the job quests, players will need to progress through the questline to access two relevant spells of the Red Mage. Verholy and Manafication are essential for consistent damage upkeep since they provide mana regen for Black and White Mana points. Here are the relevant missions that players should complete:
- Taking the Red (level 50) - acquires Soul of the Red Mage, Mythrite Rapier, and Red Attire Coffer
- Stained In Scarlet (level 60) - unlocks Manafication
- With Heart and Steel (level 70) - unlocks Verholy and acquires Duelist’s Attire Coffer
- Succession of Steel (level 80) - gains Heaven’s Eye Materia VII, Savage Aim Materia VII, Savage Might Materia
How to Play Red Mage: Recommended Rotation
Red Mages have tons of spells that mainly focus on damage, paired with several white magic abilities to help teammates. Knowing how these skills work will help players understand the rotation and combinations of the class.
The critical aspect of a Red Mage’s kit is its Balance Gauge. The White Mana and Black Mana will determine which skills will be available or which skills will be transformed into their upgraded versions. Here are the actions specific to the Red Mage:
- Riposte – attacks with 130 Potency. Transforms into Enchanted Rpisote if Black and White Mana are at least 30.
- Jolt – attack with unaspected 180 Potency damage and regenerates 3 points to both Black and White Mana
- Verthunder – casts a lightning attack with 180 Potency and has a 50% of transforming into Verfire Ready
- Corps-a-corps – delivers a dash attack with 130 Potency
- Veraero – deals 370 Potency wind damage and increases Mana by 11 points with a 50% of becoming Verstone Ready
- Scatter – deals 120 Potency unaspected damage to a target along with the surrounding area and increases Black and White Mana by 3 points
- Verthuner II – deals 120 Potency wind damage to a target and enemies surrounding it and recovers 7 White Mana
- Verfire – deals 310 Potency fire damage and increases Black Mana by 9 points
- Verstone (only available during Verstone Ready) – deals 310 Potency earth damage and boosts White Mana by 9 points
- Zwerchhau – deals 100 Potency with a Combo Action with Riposte (or Enchanted Riposte) dealing an additional 150% and transforms into Enchanted Zerchhau when both Black and White Mana are at least 25 points
- Displacement – deals 200 Potency and has a 15-yald backstep
- Fleche – attacks with 440 Potency
- Redoublement – attacks with 100 Potency with a Combo Action with Zwerchhau (Enchanted Zwercchau) dealing 230 Potency and becomes Enchanted Redoublement if Black and White Mana are both at least at 25 points
- Acceleration – makes sure that Verthuner/Verflare/Veraero/Verholy will hit their first three casts and will trigger Verfire Ready or Verstone immediately
- Moulinet – deals 60 Potency to enemies in a cone in front and becomes Enchanted Moulinet if Black and White Mana are both at least 20 points
- Vercure – heals a target for 350 Potency
- Contre Sixe – attacks a target and nearby enemies for 400 Potency
- Embolden – buffs magic damage by 10% and nearby party’s physical attack by 10%, which regresses by 20% every 4 seconds
- Manafication - multiplies the current Black and White Mana level and resets Corps-a-corps, Displacement, and Engagement while increasing magic damage by 5%
- Jolt II – deals 290 Potency unaspected damage and increases Black and White Mana by 3 points
- Verraise – resurrects a teammate to their weakened state
- Impact – deals 220 Potency unaspected damage to a target and nearby enemies and increases Black and White Mana by 3 points
- Verflare – deals 600 Potency fire damage with a combo action with Enchanted Redoublement and increases Black Mana by 21 points while having a 20% chance of becoming Verfire Ready (100% if White Mana is higher than Black Mana)
- Verholy – deals 600 Potency unaspected damage with a combo action with Enchanted Redoublement and increases White Mana by 21 points while having a 20% chance of becoming Verstone Ready (100% if Black Mana is higher than White Mana)
- Engagement – deals 150 Potency damage and shares CD with Displacement
- Reprise – deals 100 Potency damage and turns into Enchanted Reprise if Black and White Mana are both at least 5 points
- Scorch – deals 700 Potency unaspected damage with a Combo Action with Verflare or Verholy and increases Black and White Mana by 7 points
- Enchanted Riposte – deals 220 Potency unaspected damage and has a Balance Gauge Cost for both Black and White Mana by 30
- Enchanted Zwerchhau – deals 100 Potency unaspected damage with Combo Action with Riposte (Enchanted Riposte) for 290 Potency and has a Balance Gauge Cost for both Black and White Mana for 25 points
- Enchanted Redoublement – deals 100 Potency unaspected damage with a Combo Action with Enchanted Zwerchhau for 470 Potency and has a Balance Gauge Cost for both Black and White Mana for 25 points
- Enchanted Moulinet – deals 200 Potency unaspected damage to all enemies in front and has a Balance Gauge Cost for both Black and White Mana for 20
- Enchanted Reprise – deals 300 Potency unaspected damage and has a Balance Gauge Cost for both Black and White Mana for 5
Tips for Using Red Mage
- Red Mages should be mindful of their Black and White Mana. These two gauges are prominent factors in doing combinations, so players should always be conscious of these bars to use the appropriate skills. White is generated by Aero spells, while Thunder and Fire increase Black. Knowing which attacks can increase specific gauges will help in balancing the two.
- Consider using weaponskills after either Black or White magic has buffed them. Synergizing the spells and melee attack ensures that Red Mage can deal as much damage as possible.
- Minimize the use of Hard-Casting to gain more Mana efficiently. Using Dualcast can significantly help reduce the amount of time this action is done. Hard-cast refers to doing the whole duration of the spell, while Dualcast allows gamers to cast another skill right after the first one immediately. Players should only use Hard-cast abilities with a shorter cast time, while Dualcast is used for spells with longer animations. Examples of attacks that should be Dualcast are Verthuner II/III and Veraero II/III.
- Ideally, Verraise should be used to help out the designated Healer or Support the party.
Have Fun Playing Red Mage!
Red Mage is an entertaining class to try out and experience. Due to their hybrid gameplay, they can provide a unique perspective of FFXIV’s battle system. While juggling spells and mana mechanics can be quite hard, mastering the Red Mage’s kit will give optimal results.