The Honor System in League of Legends is straightforward but hard to monitor. With its opaque progression, players might need help determining how long they can receive the rewards. However, summoners are still highly encouraged to play positively because of the free prizes and to improve their games. Here is an overview of how the Honor System currently works:

The Honor System 

Riot implemented this feature to incentivize good behavior in games. Gaining enough Honor points will make players eligible to redeem certain rewards and decent in-game effects. In a game considered to have one of the most toxic people, it is undoubtedly an excellent way to at least promote healthy competition and sportsmanship.

How Honorable players are can be tracked by looking at their honor icon and level. Upon reaching a certain point, you will receive rewards like key fragments. As summoners increase their level, they gain better prizes. 

After the latest rework of this feature, players can receive three types of Honors and give them out to their teammates. Each is used when gamers have experienced a specific or general positive behavior from their team. Here are all the Honors in LoL:

  • Stayed Cool (Tilt-proof, chill) - usually given to players who, despite all odds, remained cool, calm, respectful, and positive throughout the game.
  • Great Shotcalling (Leadership, strategy) - usually given to summoners who were able to coordinate and lead your team through good communication and respectable behavior.
  • GG <3 (Team player, friendly) - usually given as a general honor to players you had fun playing with but don’t fit under Stayed Cool or Great Shotcalling.

If you receive the most honors after a match, a special shoutout will be made to your teammates, and enemy players can see that. You will also receive extra points in your progression if everyone on your team honors someone.

How Does the Progression of the Honor System Works?

After every reset, everyone will start their progression at level 2. The highest level players can reach five, providing the best rewards. Before you get the next rank, you must pass through three checkpoints, which will also offer prizes when you attain them. 

Unfortunately, there is no way for you to monitor your progress correctly, as there is no bar or meter for you to see. The only way for you to determine your status is your Honor Icon and how many checkpoints are lit up. The lack of a progress bar was decided to promote more natural positive behavior rather than being forced upon them. 

Level 1 and Level 0 exist in the game but are considered negative honor ranks. Gamers can only achieve them by receiving penalties. You will be regarded as Dishonorable if you reach the bottom of the ranking.

How is Honor Calculated?

While you receive the same points regardless of which Honor was given, other aspects will determine how much you will receive. The most significant influence is your positive behavior streak. You will earn significantly more rewards if you constantly receive commendations from your team. However, if your Honor keeps dropping and rising erratically, you will progress at a much slower pace.

The type of game mode you are running also affects the number of points you receive. Ranked games provide the most points. Meanwhile, Normal matches, ARAM, and Event modes yield the same Honor contributions. You gain the least from Co-op vs. AI matches.

Most players don’t know you will receive more points if a matchmade player commends you. Getting honored by a premade teammate will provide less to prevent honor trading from becoming the most effective way of earning Honor. However, being honored by friends isn’t all that bad, especially if you often play together.

What are the Rewards for the Honor System?

The rewards for this feature are no joke, as some of them can get you access to more premium or legendary aesthetics. Progressing far into the Honor System will give you excellent prizes, encouraging gamers to behave more honorably. Here are all the rewards you can receive per level and checkpoint:

  • Level 0 = NONE
  • Level 1
    • Level Up: One Key
    • Checkpoints: None
  • Level 2
    • Level Up: One Key
    • Checkpoints: Two Key Fragments
  • Level 3
    • Level Up: Three Key fragments, One Ward Skin, 300 BE or Champion Shards
    • Checkpoints: Two Key fragments and 150 BE or Champion Shards
  • Level 4
    • Level Up: Four Key Fragments, One Emote, 630 BE or Champion Shards
    • Checkpoints: Two Key fragments and 200 BE or Champion Shards
  • Level 5
    • Level Up: Five Key Fragments, Twitch Champion Permanent, Warwick Champion Permanent, Honor 5 Token, Random emote or ward skin, and 960 BE or Champion Shards.
    • Checkpoints: Three Key fragments and 250 BE or Champion Shards

What Can You Exchange Honor Tokens For? 

The Honor System has a unique shop where players can spend their Honor 5 Tokens. The content of this store is limited, but the rewards are good. Here is everything you can purchase with your tokens:

  • Three Honors Malzahar
  • Grey Warwick
  • Medieval Twitch
  • Grey Warwick Chromas
  • Medieval Twitch Chromas
  • Three Honors Chroma

Players keen on collecting all the skins in League should take advantage of these skins. Since you can only get them through positive behavior, summoners should be respectful and sportsmanlike.