Some of the best craftable weapons, armor, and power armor in the game can only be purchased with gold bullions. This currency is hard to come by as it’s only given by completing certain tasks. This article will guide you on how you can efficiently farm for gold bullions and purchase the plans needed to create some top-end gear and vanity items.
How To Unlock Gold Bullion Conversion
To unlock the gold bullion system, you first need to complete the Wastelanders questline involving the Overseer of Vault 76. The quests are the following:
- Wayward Souls
- Hunter for Hire
- Strength in Numbers
- The Elusive Crane
- The New Arrivals
- Strange Bedfellows (Raider faction)
- Here to Stay (Settler faction)
- Overseer, Overseen
- Secrets Revealed
Once you clear Secrets Revealed, this will open up Vault 79 and unlock the gold bullion system for you.
Treasury Note Conversion
The best way to get gold bullion is by earning Treasury Notes. To convert your Treasury Notes to gold, head to Foundation or The Crater and use the Gold Press machine near their interior entrances. The conversion rate is 1 Treasury note to 10 gold bullions. Treasury Notes can be earned by completing public events that occur in the open world. You will be given a notice on the top right corner of the screen when an event goes live, as well as notices on the world map so you don’t miss them. There is no cost to fast traveling to a public event, so always participate in these whenever you can. Not only do they reward Treasury Notes, but they also give Legendary Cores legendary items, caps, and experience. Here are the following events that give out this currency:
- A Colossal Problem
- Beasts of Burden
- Campfire Tales
- Distinguished Guests
- Encryptid
- Eviction Notice
- Feed the People
- Free Range
- Guided Motivation
- Heart of the Swamp
- Jailbreak
- Line in the Sand
- Lode Bearing
- Moonshine Jamboree
- Most Wanted
- Project Paradise
- One VIolent Night
- Radiation Rumble
- Safe and Sound
- Seismic Activity
- Spin the Wheel
- Swarm of Suitors
- Tea Time
- Test Your Metal
- The Path to Enlightenment
- Tunnel of Love
- Uranium Fever
There are also rotating seasonal content that functions like public events, but they also reward rare seasonal items like emotes, apparel, and other items. These include:
- Campfire Tales
- Fasnacht Day
- Free Range (Invaders From Beyond)
- Graham’s Meat Cook
- Invaders From Beyond
- Line in the Sand (Invaders from Beyond)
- Primal Cuts
- The Mothman Equinox
You can also do daily quests for the Settlers and Raiders to receive Treasury Notes. For the Settlers, speak to Ward in Foundation, and for the Raiders, talk to Wren in Crater to get started. You can also gain faction reputation for completing these daily quests. Another alternative is to talk to Davenport, the Mr. Handy robot in the basement of the Overseer’s home, which can also reward Treasury Notes and other items.
Bottlecap Conversion
If you’re a few gold bullions short and lack any Treasury Notes to convert, you can buy gold bullions with caps. The vendor will be a man named Smiley, who is in the upstairs room of The Wayward location. This is costly, with conversion prices at 1000 caps for 50 gold and 6000 caps for 300 gold. Getting gold this way should only be done if you lack a small amount of gold to purchase a plan that you want.
Where To Spend Gold Bullions
You can spend your hard-earned gold by visiting Mortimer, the Raider representative in Crater, Samuel in Foundation, Regs in Vault 79, and Minerva, who rotates in different locations. Samuel and Mortimer sell some crafting plans for base decorations and faction-related gear, but Regs and Minerva sell the most powerful equipment in the game. Minerva and Regs, in particular, sell the T-65 Secret Service power armor that has the highest resistance in the game, but Minerva sells her plans at a 25% discounted price. She appears for 3 days every week in either The Whitespring Refuge, Fort Atlas, Crater, or Foundation.