Cataclysm brought in a lot of changes to the Pet system, and these changes aren’t limited to just the new beast families. Along with those changes is a reworking of the Happiness mechanic and other skills. We’re sure that these updates will attract a ton of players to the Hunter class. This guide will help all new Hunters or those rerolling to this field to find companions to join them on their adventures.
All WoW Cataclysm Classic Hunter Pets and Locations
Note: An animal’s level corresponds with the level for each zone that they’re found in. It’s advisable that your character is in the same range to ensure thatthe animals in these areas won’t overpower you.
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Sonic Blast
- Locations:
- Deepholm
- Felwood
- Tirisfal Glades (Level 1 to 11)
- Ghostlands (level 9 to 18)
- Eversong Woods (level 9 to 10)
- Shadowfang Keep (level 20)
- Razorfen Kraul (level 26 to 35)
- Uldaman (level 37 to 38)
- Eastern Plaguelands (level 40 to 58)
- Western Plaguelands (level 40 to 55)
- Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave (level 41 to 56)
- Blackrock Depths (level 50 to 51)
- Blasted Lands (level 57 to 58)
- Zul’Gurub (level 60)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (level 65)
- Karazhan (level 69 to 71)
- Howling Fjord (level 70 to 71)
- Zul’Drak (level 75 to 76)
- Drak’Tharon Keep (level 75 to 80)
- Diet: Meat, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, Demoralizing Roar, and Rest
- Locations:
- Duskwood
- Dun Morogh (level 5 to 12)
- Tirisfal Glades (level 8 to 52)
- Elwynn Forest (level 8 to 9)
- Bloodmyst Isle (level 9 to 17)
- Silverpine Forest (level 10 to 14)
- Darkshore (level 10 to 19)
- Loch Modan (level 11 to 20)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (level 19 to 27)
- Stonetalon Mountains (level 21 to 22)
- Ashenvale (level 21 to 30)
- Western Plaguelands (level 35 to 56)
- Feralas (level 36 to 49)
- Felwood (level 44 to 52)
- Winterspring (level 49 to 60)
- Blasted Lands (level 57 to 60)
- Howling Fjord (level 70 to 71)
- Dragonblight (level 71 to 73)
- Grizzly Hills (level 72 to 74)
- Zul’Drak (level 76 to 77)
- The Storm Peaks (level 76 to 80)
- Mount Hyjal (level 80)
- Diet: Meat, Fish, Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, and Harden Carapace
- Locations:
- Uldum
- Northern Barrens (level 24)
- Eastern Plaguelands (level 39 to 58)
- Thousand Needles (level 40 to 41)
- Zul’Farrak (level 44 to 47)
- Tanaris (level 49 to 50)
- Un’Goro Crater (level 49 to 53)
- Blackrock Depths (level 50 to 51)
- Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (level 55 to 60)
- Silithus (level 57 to 60)
- Blackrock Spire (level 57 to 58)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 58 to 59)
- Naxxramas (level 60 to 80)
- Ahn’Qiraj (level 60)
- Diet: Fungus and Fruit
Bird of Prey
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Claw, Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, Snatch, and Trick
- Locations:
- Teldrassil (level 5 to 9)
- Howling Fjord (level 5 to 7)
- The Deadmines (level 14)
- Loch Modan (level 16 to 17)
- Duskwood (level 23 to 24)
- Stonetalon Mountains (level 25 to 26)
- Desolace (level 25 to 26)
- Feralas (level 35)
- Western Plaguelands (level 35 to 38)
- Thousand Needles (level 42 to 43)
- Felwood (level 44 to 53)
- Winterspring (level 52 to 53)
- Alterac Valley (level 53 to 54)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 60 to 63)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 63 to 64)
- Nagrand (level 64 to 67)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 66 to 67)
- Sethekk Halls (level 67 to 70)
- Howling Fjord (level 68 to 71)
- Borean Tundra (level 69 to 70)
- Terokkar Forest (level 70)
- Grizzly Hills (level 72 to 73)
- Dragonblight (level 73 to 74)
- Zul’Drak (level 74 to 75)
- Sholazar Basin (level 75 to 76)
- Icecrown (level 80)
- Icecrown Citadel (level 80)
- Diet: Meat and Fish
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, and Gore
- Locations:
- Durotar (level 1 to 11)
- Teldrassil (level 1 to 3)
- Dun Morogh (level 3 to 10)
- Mulgore (level 3 to 5)
- Elwynn Forest (level 5 to 11)
- Loch Modan (level 10 to 17)
- Westfall (level 10 to 17)
- Silverpine Forest (level 13)
- Redridge Mountains (level 14 to 24)
- Razorfen Kraul (level 16 to 34)
- Duskwood (level 22)
- Eastern Plaguelands (level 43 to 60)
- Blasted Lands (level 48 to 53)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 58 to 59)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 65 to 68)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 70 to 71)
- Diet: Meat, Fish, Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
Carrion Bird
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Dive, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Swoop, and Demoralizing Screech
- Locations:
- Mulgore (level 5 to 10)
- Mount Hyjal
- Thunder Bluff (level 8 to 10)
- Westfall (level 10 to 17)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 11)
- Northern Barrens (level 12)
- Southern Barrens (level 12)
- Loch Modan (level 13 to 37)
- Red Ridge Mountains (level 15 to 19)
- Arathi Highlands (level 25 to 38)
- Thousand Needles (level 30 to 34)
- Desolace (level 30 to 40)
- Bad Lands (level 35 to 55)
- Tanaris (level 41 to 49)
- Blasted Lands (level 49 to 56)
- Tirisfal Glades (level 50 to 52)
- Western Plaguelands (level 50 to 52)
- Deadwind Pass (level 55 to 56)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 58 to 62)
- Terokkar Forest (level 64 to 65)
- Borean Tundra (level 70 to 71)
- Dragonblight (level 71 to 74)
- Feralas (level 83 to 85)
- Diet: Meat and Fish
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Roar of Courage, and Prowl
- Locations:
- Eversong Woods (level 1 to 9)
- Durotar (level 1 to 8)
- Teldrassil (level 1 to 11)
- Mulgore (level 3 to 10)
- Azuremyst Isle (level 7 to 9)
- The Exodar (level 7 to 9)
- The Lost Isles (level 7 to 11)
- Dun Morogh (level 7 to 10)
- Ghostlands (level 9 to 10)
- Darkshore (level 10 to 20)
- Northern Barrens (level 11 to 23)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (level 22 to 35)
- Stonetalon Mountains (level 23 to 26)
- Northern Stranglethorn (level 24 to 41)
- Thousand Needles (level 25 to 28)
- Southern Barrens (level 32 to 33)
- Western Plaguelands (level 33 to 34)
- Diet: Meat and Fish
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Frost Breath, and Froststorm Breath
- Locations:
- Azshara (level 12 to 50)
- Stonetalon Mountains (level 23 to 28)
- Feralas (level 40 to 62)
- Winterspring (level 52 to 58)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 65 to 66)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 68)
- Netherstorm (level 70)
- Howling Fjord (level 70 to 71)
- Diet: Meat
Core Hound
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Lava Breath, and Primal rage
- Locations:
- Azuremyst Isle (level 12)
- Searong Gorge (level 50)
- The Hinterlands (level 50)
- Azshara (level 50)
- Blasted Lands (level 57)
- Molten Core (level 61 to 62)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 69 to 70)
- Mount Hyjal (level 80 to 82)
- Blackwing Lair
- Blackrock Spire
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, and Pin
- Locations:
- Durotar (level 2 to 11)
- Eversong Woods (level 5 to 7)
- Azuremyst Isle (level 6 to 9)
- Darkshore (level 9 to 21)
- Westfall (level 9 to 18)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 11 to 35)
- Ghostlands (level 12 to 13)
- Ashenvale (level 19 to 21)
- Wetlands (level 21)
- Blackfathom Deeps (level 22 to 24)
- Desolace (level 30 to 32)
- Northern Stranglethorn (level 35 to 41)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 36)
- Swamp of Sorrows (level 40 to 53)
- Tanaris (level 45)
- Blasted Lands (level 58)
- Borean Tundra (level 68 to 69)
- Howling Fjord (level 68 to 70)
- Dragonblight (level 72)
- Kelp’thar Forest (level 80)
- Shimmering Expanse (level 80 to 81)
- Feralas (level 83 to 84)
- Diet: Fish, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Hunter Pet Tenacity, and Ankle Crack
- Locations:
- Uldum
- Silverpine Forest
- Gilneas (level 7 to 9)
- Durotar (level 8 to 12)
- Northern Barrens (level 11 to 12)
- Loch Modan (level 14 to 22)
- Wailing Caverns (level 18 to 19)
- Northern Stranglethorn (level 25 to 36)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 35 to 41)
- Swamps of Sorrow (level 35 to 52)
- Maraudon (level 39 to 48)
- Stormwind City (level 50)
- Zul’Gurub (level 60)
- Nagrand (level 65)
- The Black Morass (level 67 to 68)
- Netherstorm (level 68 to 69)
- Zul’Aman (level 70)
- Sholazar Basin (level 75 to 80)
- Diet: Meat and Fish
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Monstrous Bite, and Terrifying Roar
- Locations:
- Un’Goro Crater (level 54 to 60)
- Netherstorm (level 71)
- Sholazar Basin (level 75)
- Drak’Tharon Keep (level 76 to 82)
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Lock Jaw, and Tamed Pet Passive
- Locations:
- Tirisfal Glades (level 5 to 10)
- Gilneas (level 7 to 10)
- Redridge Mountains (level 24 to 25)
- Scarlet Monastery (level 32 to 35)
- Western Plaguelands (level 35 to 53)
- Eastern Plaguelands (level 40 to 59)
- Blackrock Depths (level 49 to 53)
- Howling Fjord (level 55 to 68)
- Naxxramas (level 61)
- Borean Tundra (level 69 to 70)
- Karazhan (level 69 to 73)
- Nagrand (level 70 to 71)
- Dragonblight (level 71 to 72)
- Undercity (level 74)
- Zul’Drak (level 74 to 75)
- The Violet Hold (level 75 to 80)
- Crystalsong Forest (level 78 to 79)
- Icecrown (level 80)
- Diet: Meat, Fish, Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Fire Breath
- Locations:
- Eversong Woods (level 5 to 8)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 67 to 68)
- The Botanica (level 69 to 70)
- Zul’Aman (level 70)
- Tempest Keep (level 70 to 72)
- Sunwell Plateau (level 70)
- Diet: Meat, Fish, and Fruit
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, Play, Tailspin, and Tamed Pet Passive
- Locations:
- Gilneas (level 6 to 9)
- Redridge Mountains (level 15 to 19)
- Loch Modan (level 16)
- Western Plaguelands (level 35 to 37)
- Diet: Meat, Fish, and Fruit
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Charge, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, Smack, and Pummel
- Locations:
- Northern Stranglethorn (level 28 to 38)
- The Cape of Stranglethorn (level 33 to 42)
- Feralas (level 36 to 50)
- Un’Goro Crater (level 50 to 55)
- Sholazar Basin (level 76 to 77)
- Diet: Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, and Bellowing Roar
- Locations:
- Sholazar Basin
- Northern Barrens – Wailing Cavern
- Diet: Meat, Fish, Raw Meat, and Raw Fish
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, and Tendon Rip
- Locations:
- Northern Barrens (level 13 to 23)
- Razorfen Kraul (level 23 to 31)
- Thousand Needles (level 24 to 30)
- Feralas (level 28 to 54)
- Southern Barrens (level 30 to 31)
- Desolace (level 31 to 38)
- Tanaris (level 41 to 49)
- Dire Maul (level 44 to 59)
- Blasted Lands (level 45 to 56)
- Dragonblight (level 72 to 73)
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Dash, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, Smack, Bad Manner, and Tamed Pet Passive
- Locations:
- The Lost Isles (level 5 to 6)
- The Deadmines (level 14)
- Northern Stranglethorn (level 26 to 32)
- Diet: Fungus and Fruit
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Dive, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Smack, Swoop, and Serenity Dust
- Locations:
- Azuremyst Isle (level 1)
- Bloodmyst Isle (level 9 to 16)
- Terokkar Forest (level 62 to 64)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 65 to 66)
- Borean Tundra (level 68 to 71)
- Netherstorm (level 68 to 69)
- Borean Tundra (level 71)
- Grizzly Hills (level 73)
- Diet: Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
Nether Ray
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Nether Shock
- Locations:
- Zangarmarsh (level 60 to 64)
- Nagrand (level 62 to 63)
- The Slave Pens (level 64 to 70)
- The Underbog (level 64 to 71)
- Netherstorm (level 67 to 68)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 69 to 70)
- Blade’s Edge Mountain (level 70 to 71)
- Diet: Meat and Fungus
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, and Tear Armor
- Locations:
- Durotar (level 2 to 11)
- The Lost Isles (level 5 to 8)
- Northern Barrens (level 11 to 19)
- Wailing Caverns (level 18 to 19)
- Wetlands (level 22 to 31)
- Northern Stranglethorn (level 24 to 37)
- Arathi Highlands (level 25 to 37)
- Southern Barrens (level 29 to 32)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 36 to 39)
- Un’Goro Crater (level 48 to 51)
- Zul’Gurub (level 60)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 65 to 68)
- Netherstorm (level 68 to 69)
- Zul’Drak (level 74 to 77)
- Drak’Tharon Keep (level 74 to 81)
- Mount Hyjal (level 80)
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dash, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Ravage
- Locations:
- Azuremyst Isle (level 9 to 10)
- Bloodmyst Isle (level 10 to 17)
- Winterspring (level 54 to 55)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 59 to 61)
- Terokkar Forest (level 59 to 61)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 61 to 63)
- Zangarmarsh (level 62 to 63)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 63)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 70)
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Charge, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, Smack, Horn Toss, and Stampede
- Locations:
- Borean Tundra (level 67 to 71)
- Sholazar Basin (level 75 to 76)
- Gundrak (level 77 to 81)
- The Storm Peaks (level 78 to 79)
- Diet: Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, and Clench
- Locations:
- Tanaris
- Durotar (level 3 to 11)
- Northern Barrens (level 20 to 21)
- Desolace (level 30 to 39)
- Thousand Needles (level 31 to 41)
- Uldaman (level 37 to 38)
- Tanaris (level 40 to 48)
- Blasted Lands (level 46 to 53)
- Burning Steppes (level 49 to 57)
- Blackrock Depths (level 50 to 51)
- Silithus (level 54 to 56)
- Ahn’Qiraj (level 60 to 62)
- Terokkar Forest (level 64 to 65)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 68 to 69)
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dash, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Corrosive Spit
- Locations:
- Wailing Caverns (level 18 to 19)
- Thousand Needles (level 40 to 41)
- The Temple of Atal’Hakkar (level 45 to 46)
- Swamp of Sorrows (level 45 to 46)
- Zul’Farrak (level 45 to 47)
- Tanaris (level 46 to 48)
- Zul’Gurub (level 60)
- Shadowmoon Valley (level 68)
- Sholazar Basin (level 75 to 77)
- Diet: Meat
Shale Spider
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, Embrace of the Shale, Tamed Pet Passive, and Web Wrap
- Locations:
- Deepholm
- Loch Modan
- The Stone Core (level 82)
- Diet: Meat, Fish, Raw Meat, and Raw Fish
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Claw, Dash, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Qirai Fortitude, and Web Wrap
- Locations:
- Northern Barrens (level 21 to 32)
- Thousand Needles (level 36 to 42)
- Feralas (level 38 to 46)
- Tanaris (level 46 to 50)
- Un’Goro Crater (level 51 to 54)
- Silithus (level 55 to 62)
- Ahn’Qiraj (level 60 to 61+)
- Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (level 60 to 61+)
- Diet: Meat and Fungus
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dash, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Web Wrap
- Locations:
- Tirisfal Glades (level 2 to 51)
- Teldrassil (level 3 to 12)
- Elwynn Forest (level 5 to 10)
- Gilneas (level 7 to 9)
- Ghostlands (level 10 to 15)
- Loch Modan (level 10 to 19)
- Silverpine Forest (level 11 to 15)
- Stonetalon Mountains (level 14 to 27)
- Redridge Mountains (level 14 to 23)
- Elwynn Forest (level 14 to 16)
- Bloodmyst Isle (level 16 to 19)
- Duskwood (level 18 to 27)
- Northern Barrens (level 19 to 21)
- Ashenvale (level 21 to 29)
- Stonetalon Mountains (level 22)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (level 21 to 27)
- Arathi Highlands (level 27 to 36)
- The Hinterlands (level 33 to 45)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 35 to 40)
- Western Plaguelands (level 36 to 53)
- Azshara (level 47 to 48)
- Blackrock Spire (level 55 to 57)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 65 to 67)
- Swamp of Sorrows (level 40 to 55)
- Searing Gorge (level 43 to 48)
- Winterspring (level 51 to 52)
- Silithus (level 54 to 57)
- Zul’Gurub (level 55 to 60)
- Blasted Lands (level 57 to 58)
- Naxxramas (level 61 to 81)
- Terokkar Forest (level 63 to 65)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 65 to 68)
- The Black Morass (level 67 to 68)
- Karazhan (level 70 to 71)
- Howling Fjord (level 70 to 71)
- Drak’Tharon Keep (level 74 to 81)
- Zul’Drak (level 75 to 76)
- Icecrown (level 76 to 78)
- The Storm Peaks (level 77 to 78)
- Diet: Meat
Spirit Beast
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Dash, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Roar of Courage, Spirit Mend, and Spirit Walk
- Locations:
- Grizzly Hills (level 74)
- Sholazar Basin (level 76)
- Zul’Drak (level 77)
- The Storm Peaks (level 80)
- Diet: Meat and Fish
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, Smack, and Spore Cloud
- Locations:
- Zangarmarsh (level 60 to 63)
- The Underbog (level 62 to 70)
- Serpentshrine Cavern (level 69 to 71)
- Diet: Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Charge, Claw, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, and Dust Cloud
- Locations:
- Mulgore (level 1 to 9)
- Azuremyst Isle (level 5 to 9)
- Ashenvale (level 7)
- Northern Barrens (level 11 to 17)
- Darkshore (level 11 to 19)
- Southern Barrens (level 30 to 32)
- Swamp of Sorrows (level 52)
- Terokkar Forest (level 70)
- Diet: Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, and Shell Shield
- Locations:
- The Lost Isles (level 6 to 8)
- Eversong Woods (level 7 to 8)
- Ghostlands (level 7 to 8)
- Northern Barrens (level 14 to 16)
- Azshara (level 15 to 54)
- Wailing Caverns (level 20)
- Blackfathom Deeps (level 22 to 24)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (level 22 to 32)
- Thousand Needles (level 30 to 44)
- The Hinterlands (level 30 to 51)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 35 to 36)
- Tanaris (level 42 to 50)
- Maraudon (level 45 to 46)
- Swamp of Sorrows (level 50)
- Borean Tundra (level 70)
- Diet: Fish, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
Warp Stalker
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, and Time Warp
- Locations:
- Winterspring (level (54 to 55)
- Terokkar Forest (level 63 to 72)
- Netherstorm (level 67 to 68)
- The Arcatraz (level 72)
- Diet: Fish and Fruit
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Dive, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, Smack, Swoop, and Sting
- Locations:
- Loch Modan (level 15 to 17)
- Feralas (level 38 to 47)
- Tanaris (level 47 to 49)
- Un’Goro Crater (level 47 to 56)
- Felwood (level 47 to 48)
- Silithus (level 55 to 60)
- Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (level 60 to 61)
- Zangarmarsh (level 60 to 63)
- Ahn’Qiraj (level 62)
- The Underbog (level 64 to 71)
- Sholazar Basin (level 76 to 77)
- Diet: Cheese, Bread, Fungus, and Fruit
Wind Serpent
- Type: Cunning
- Abilities: Bite, Dive, Hunter Pet Cunning Marker, and Lightning Breath
- Locations:
- Northern Barrens (level 11 to 25)
- Wailing Caverns (level 19)
- Thousand Needles (level 20 to 28)
- Southern Barrens (level 33 to 34)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 35 to 39)
- Feralas (level 36 to 46)
- The Temple of Atal’Hakkar (level 48 to 54)
- Zul’Gurub (level 60 to 61)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 66 to 67)
- Netherstorm (level 68 to 69)
- Sethekk Halls (level 68 to 71)
- Grizzly Hills (level 72 to 73)
- Zul’Drak (level 76 to 77)
- Diet: Fish, Cheese, and Bread
- Type: Ferocity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Dash, Hunter Pet Ferocity Marker, and Furious Howl
- Locations:
- Ashenvale (level 19 to 20)
- Alterac Valley (level 50 to 80)
- Badlands (level 35 to 47)
- Blackrock Spire (level 52 to 58)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 60 to 70)
- Borean Tundra (level 68 to 71)
- Burning Steppes (level 49 to 71)
- Crystalsong Forest (level 78)
- Dun Morogh (level 1 to 10)
- Duskwood (level 19 to 26)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 35)
- Eastern Plaguelands (level 41)
- Elwynn Forest (level 1 to 10)
- Felwood (level 44 to 52)
- Feralas (level 36 to 48)
- Grizzly Hills (level 72 to 75)
- Hellfire Peninsula (level 58 to 60)
- Howling Fjord (level 68 to 72)
- Icecrown (level 77 to 80)
- Diet: Meat
- Type: Tenacity
- Abilities: Bite, Charge, Hunter Pet Exotic Marker, Hunter Pet Tenacity Marker, Acid Spit, and Burrow Attack
- Locations:
- Ragefire Chasm (level 13 to 14)
- Duskwood (level 23 to 25)
- Maraudon (level 37 to 47)
- Dustwallow Marsh (level 38)
- Desolace (level 40 to 42)
- Dire Maul (level 40 to 60)
- The Temple of Atal’Hakkar (level 47 to 48)
- Western Plaguelands (level 50)
- Blackrock Depths (level 50 to 51)
- Winterspring (level 51 to 52)
- Silithus (level 54 to 58)
- Ahn’Qiraj (level 63)
- Blade’s Edge Mountains (level 66 to 67)
- Borean Tundra (level 70)
- Dragonblight (level 72 to 74)
- Zul’Drak (level 72 to 75)
- The Storm Peaks (level 79 to 80)
- Diet: Cheese, Bread, and Fungus