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OSRS Slayer Training Guide 1-99

OSRS Slayer Guide



I'm going to let you in on a secret about combat training you might not be aware of.

Are you ready? Grinding to 99 with your combat skills isn't the way to go anymore, and if you aren't training Slayer, you're wasting your time. That's right; you've probably been doing combat training wrong this whole time.

Why is that? You may know Slayer as a money-making skill, and for those ends, it achieves its goal. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better way to make money skilling than by doing Slayer tasks. But there's much more to this than just that – Slayer gives you access to some insane damage bonuses and unparalleled leveling gear. Leveling your Slayer will often net you better exp/hour than grinding your combat skills would by comparison, and you'll be dual-training and making money simultaneously!

Plus, if you waste time training other skills before you get to Slayer, eventually you'll need your skills and just be wasting the time you could've spent getting double experience. Sound good enough? Read on for some top-notch methods to 99 in this OSRS Slayer Guide.

What's Your Combat?

Slayer tasks are unique in that they are closely tied to your combat level. The Slayer master you can speak with has nothing to do with your Slayer level (except for Duradel); rather, your combat level is what dictates the Slayer Master you can talk with. The higher tier Slayer master you get your tasks from, the more points you'll receive per task (Krystilia is an exception.)

If you're an extremely low-level player, your best bet is Krystillia or Mazchna, who require combat 0 and combat 20, respectively. Krystilia is particularly interesting because all of her tasks need the player to kill enemies in the wilderness and can be difficult for low-level players to achieve, despite there being no level cap. Additionally, her Slayer tasks reward 25 points per task, a point level unattainable by any other Slayer master. Even at the highest-level Slayer master, with 100 combat and 50 Slayer, you would only receive Slayer tasks that reward 15 points per task. If points are what you're after, your best bet is Krystilia and wilderness Slayer tasks.

Getting to Know the Slayer Masters

about the Slayer Masters

Before getting to the goods, let's first talk about the Slayer Masters in Old School RuneScape. There are 9 Slayer Masters in the game, with some having unique mechanics and specific requirements. It's worth noting that two of the Slayer Masters, Turael and Spria, have no Combat or Slayer level requirements. However, the rest of them gradually move up in Combat requirements. Depending on which Slayer Master you choose to partner up with, each of them has its perks and benefits that could deem advantageous to you (depending on your situation).

Slayer Master



Pros and Cons


Shilo Village

  • Completion of the Shilo Village quest
  • 50 Slayer + 100 Combat or 99 Slayer
  • Has the longest tasks for all the Slayer Masters
  • Usually assigns boss tasks
  • Gives the highest amount of experience points


Tree Gnome Stronghold

  • 85 Combat or 99 Slayer
  • Offers a significant amount of experience points
  • The most accessible Slayer Master to access (since Nieve is close to a Teleport and a Bank)

Konar quo Maten

Mount Karuulm

  • 75 Combat or 99 Slayer
  • The perfect Slayer Master to get experience and profit tasks
  • Areas usually lock most tasks given by Konaras
  • Recommended for streak tasks



  • Completion of the Lost City quest
  • 70 Combat or 99 Slayer
  • Gives out decent experience-based tasks
  • Assigns lots of Metal Dragons, which can be a hassle to deal with


Edgeville Dungeon

  • 40 Combat or 99 Slayer
  • Has generally long tasks
  • The tasks can be complex for low leveled players



  • Completion of the Priest in Peril quest
  • 20 Combat or 99 Slayer
  • Gives only a tiny amount of Slayer points
  • The ideal Slayer Master for low-level players
  • Tasks that Mazchna assigns are usually close by


Draynor Village

  • Completion of A Porcine of Interest quest
  • Gives fast, easy-to-do Slayer tasks
  • Does not award Slayer points



  • N/A
  • Gives easy Slayer tasks
  • Players can't earn Slayer points from Turael



  • Completed at least 1 task
  • Players can earn lots of Slayer points
  • The tasks assigned by Krystilia can only be completed in the Wilderness
  • Can be hard for low-level players


Slayer Training/Leveling Guide

Slayer TrainingLeveling Guide

Level 1-25

Regardless of your combat level, I recommend spending your early levels at Krystilia to earn enough points for the Bigger and Badder perk. This perk allows you to; occasionally, Superior enemies will spawn while you're killing for Slayer tasks. When defeated, these monsters give you a big boost of Slayer experience and have valuable drops, including the Eternal Gem and Imbued Heart. You want to get this perk as fast as possible because you'll be battling many enemies on the route to 99 and want as many chances as possible to fight superiors for the GP you'll earn and for the extra challenge. Use Krystilia until Slayer level 50 or so, saving up a stockpile of Slayer points to buy your Slayer helm, ring, and prks, and enough for blocking tasks or skipping them. In total, that's about 1500 Slayer points, depending on how many Slayer Rings you wish to buy.

Below 40

If you're on the lower side of the combat scale, at least combat level 40, Vannaka in the Edgeville Dungeon is at least a decent Slayer master with some appropriately leveled assignments for you and don't require you to fight in the wilderness. However, they only reward 4 points per task, and if you don't have enough points to block the high-level functions you don't want yet, I don't recommend using him. What does blocking tasks come down to, anyway?

Below Level 70

Your next move depends on your combat level after you earn at least enough for the Bigger and Badder perk. If you're under level 70, I recommend getting tasks from Krystilia until you have enough points to buy a Slayer ring and block any Slayer tasks you don't want to complete. If you're above level 70 and have completed the Lost City quest (which you really should have done by level 70 combat), you can move onto Chaeldar in Zanaris, which rewards 10 points per task but assigns significantly better tasks and doesn't require them to be done in the wild.

Level 85-99

At level 85, you're going to want to be using Nieve for your Slayer tasks, as you're going to be getting far better assignments and turning quite a bit of profit from her studies. Many players argue that Nieve's tasks are better than Duradel's, and there's merit to this discussion. Ultimately, your preferred Slayer master will come down to the tasks you like doing more often, and the money is pretty good between both.

How about Task Blocking and Skipping Metal Dragons?

Task Blocking and Skipping Metal Dragons

Most people who pick up Slayer spend far too long slaying before they finally understand what blocking and skipping means, and then it's always a “duh” moment. So, to break it down:

What is Task Blocking?

Blocking refers to the tasks you decide to “block” from a Slayer master you use so that you never assign them. You can block up to five tasks, and the cost is 100 Slayer points per task. You should wait until you're at the highest-level Slayer masters: Nieve and Duradel, before you begin blocking Slayer tasks. Of course, if you get a task before that you know you want to block, you're welcome to do so, but most players block high-level tasks that take a long time, which these two masters assign, and any blocking before those tasks would just be wasted points.

The tasks you block are up to you, but it's worth looking at the Slayer master weighting table before you decide, as it's best practice to block the highest weighted Slayer task you don't want to do and work your way down.

Skipping Metal Dragons

Skipping, unlike blocking, is a temporary “pass” on a Slayer assignment. Skips cost 30 points each, and a general rule of thumb is you should never skip more than 1 out of every 4 tasks, so you break even on your Slayer points. Of course, if you have already blocked all the tasks you want, purchased your ring, and bought your Slayer helm, you may wish to waste your points on skips, and you're entirely in your own right to do so!

Hopefully, you've found this OSRS Slayer Guide helpful! Happy gaming, and until next time.

OSRS Skilling & Leveling Guide

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