Taking to the skies with a helicopter in Grand Theft Auto V is an exhilarating experience that adds a whole new dimension to the game. From gaining a strategic advantage to embarking on daring missions or simply enjoying the breathtaking view of Los Santos, there's nothing quite like soaring high among the clouds. 

That said, if you don’t know how to spawn a helicopter in GTA V, dive into our article as we answer all your queries and tell you how to.

How To Spawn A Helicopter In GTA V Offline

If you’re playing GTA offline, the only way to spawn a helicopter is by using cheat codes. Don’t worry, they are totally legal to use, so you don’t have to worry about doing something fishy that might get you banned. 

How To Spawn A Helicopter In GTA V Offline On PC/Consoles

If you’re on PC, just press the backtick/tilda key (`), which is beneath the Escape key on your keyboard. This will open up the Cheat Console, and there you can type “BUZZOFF” to spawn a Buzzard helicopter in front of you. You can also open up your Phone’s dial pad and type ‘1-999-289-9633’ to also spawn it. 

If you’re on a console (PS and XBOX), you can only spawn a helicopter using the phone’s dial pad and typing ‘1-999-289-9633’ on it. Then click on X (if you’re on PlayStation) or A (if you’re on Xbox), and it will appear in front of you. The Cheat Console doesn’t open up on consoles, so the phone is the only way to spawn one. 

If you’ve purchased a helicopter in GTA V offline, you can’t spawn it directly in front of you. You first need to go on a property you’ve purchased that contains a helipad. Once you’re near the Helipad, you’ll get an option on the top left of your screen that says, ‘Press D-pad/right arrow key to change stored vehicle’.

When you click the key, depending on the platform you are on, a list will open. Choose your purchased helicopter from the link, and it will spawn on the Helipad, ready for you to take into the skies of Los Santos. This will work both on consoles as well as PC.

How To Spawn A Helicopter In GTA V Online

While cheat codes don’t work in GTA V online, there are still a handful of ways to spawn a helicopter in GTA V online. Most of them require you to purchase one beforehand otherwise while some others may require you to be a certain level in the game. Let’s take a look at all of them:

Merryweather Pickup

If you don’t have a helicopter purchased, then try the Merryweather Pickup method. For this, you’ll need to be level 30 at least in GTA V online, have $1000 with you and you’ll also need to be at a high ground to do so. 

Once you are, take out your phone, go to contacts and click on Merryweather. Then dial their number, and on the top left a menu will open up. Click on the 4th option which reads as ‘Helicopter Pickup’. 

After around 20-30 seconds, a Helicopter will come to pick you up and land beside you. If you want to drive the helicopter yourself, just shoot the pilot. That said, if you miss your shot the pilot will run away. 

Get Your Helicopter Delivered

For this method, you need to actually buy a helicopter from either Warstock Cache and Carry or Elitastravel.com. Then open up your phone and go to contacts and from there, search for Pegasus. Once you call them, you’ll have a few options come up at the top left side. Click on Helicopter, and then on the Helicopter you just purchased.

After 5-10 seconds, the Helicopter will get spawned on the map and you can differentiate it easily since it will be a beeping icon. You can also go to a Helipad, and click the right D-pad button or right arrow key, depending on what platform you’re playing on, and then spawn your Helicopter there as well.

Request Personal Aircraft

If you’ve purchased a Helicopter, you can also spawn it through the Request Personal Aircraft option in the Interaction Menu. To do so, click on M (if you’re on PC) or hold the Touchpad (if you’re on PS), or hold the View button (if you’re on Xbox). 

Once you’ve opened up the Interaction Menu, go to Vehicles and then ‘Request Personal Aircraft’. If you have multiple Helicopters or Air Vehicles, you can just skip to the others by either clicking the right or left D-pad key if you’re on the console, or the arrow keys if you’re on PC. Then select the Helicopter you want to be spawned, and it will be spawned next to you. 

Request From Special Vehicles

If you’ve purchased the Sparrow on your Kosatka or any other Helicopter on a special vehicle, you can also spawn it in front of you. Let’s just assume you have the Sparrow stored on your Kosatka right now. To spawn it, open up the Interaction Menu, and then go to Services. 

From there, go to Kosatka, and then click the second option Request Vehicle. Make sure it’s selected to Sparrow. The Sparrow will then spawn in front of you. 

Final Thoughts

That sums up our article today on how to spawn a helicopter in GTA V. While there are many ways to spawn one, explore them all and see which one feels quickest or best to you. We hope with the help our article, you’ll be able to spawn one in no time!