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WoW Classic Horde Leveling Guide

WoW Classic Horde Leveling Guide

Reaching the level cap back in vanilla was an immense accomplishment. Now, everyone can experience the legendary vanilla leveling experience firsthand on the Classic servers. We’ve gathered the most optimal zones for the 1-60 level bracket in both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Hitting level 60 has always been remarkable in the WoW universe. It’s also worth mentioning that this is more like a general guide for reaching level 60, and it’s simply meant to give you the fastest, easiest leveling route.

The Recommended Zones

The following recommended leveling zones are based purely on logic, availability, continuity, and faction control (e.g., Horde, Alliance, or Contested).

Levels 1 – 10

You don’t have many options for the first few levels as each race has its starting zone meant for 1-5 leveling. Still, Orc and Troll players might use the zeppelin to get to Deathknell (Tirisfal Glades), while Undead players might use the same transport to reach Durotar.

Tirisfal Glades (Undead)

  • Stay in Deathknell until you reach level 5
  • Then transition to Brill and keep questing until you hit level 10
  • Main quest hubs – Brill and Deathknell

Durotar (Orcs & Trolls)

  • Remain at the Valley of Trials (Orc) or Echo Isles (Troll) until you hit level 5
  • Head over to Razor Hill and stay in Durotar until level 10
  • Main quest hubs – Razor Hill, the Valley of Trials, Orgrimmar, and Sen’jin Village

Mulgore (Tauren)

  • Quest at Red Cloud Mesa until level 5
  • Go to Bloodhoof Village and keep leveling until you reach level 10
  • Main quest hubs – Bloodhoof Village, Camp Narache, and Thunder Bluff

Levels 10 – 20

This level range gives you much more freedom as you can choose between several zones. Regardless, The Barrens will always remain the most popular choice for 10-20 in every Horde leveling guide.

The Barrens (Horde Territory)

Zone level – 10-33

  • Main quest hubs – The Crossroads, Ratchet, Camp Taurajo, Far Watch Post
  • Start questing at The Crossroads
  • Continue questing and head to Ratchet to pick up even more quests
  • Remember that the lower portion of The Barrens is more suitable for level 20 characters or above

Silverpine Forest (Horde Territory)

  • Zone level – 10-20
  • Main quest hubs – The Sepulcher
  • Head to The Sepulcher and start leveling

Stonetalon Mountains (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 15-25
  • Main quest hubs – Sun Rock Retreat, Malaka’jin
  • When you enter this zone, go to Malaka’jin to your left and start questing
  • Then go to Sun Rock Retreat and continue leveling
  • Be cautious when heading north, as the Alliance camp is at the northernmost point of the Stonetalon Mountains

Levels 20 – 30

Although brand new zones become available at this point, your best bet might still be The Barrens since it’s safe and loaded with quests.

The Barrens (Horde Territory)

  • Zone level – 10-33
  • Main quest hubs – The Crossroads, Ratchet, Camp Taurajo
  • Keep questing in The Crossroads and Ratchet areas
  • When quests start drying out, focus on Camp Taurajo
  • Go to the Wailing Caverns dungeon (18+) if needed

Hillsbrad Foothills (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 20-30
  • Main quest hubs – Tarren Mill
  • Be careful when questing in areas close to Southshore (the Alliance town)

Ashenvale (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 19-30
  • Main quest hubs – Splintertree Post, Zoram’gar Outpost
  • World PvP and Ashenvale go hand-in-hand, so always be on guard
  • Zoram’gar Outpost is located on the far-eastern part of Ashenvale
  • Try the Blackfathom Deeps dungeon (24+) if you want an extra challenge

Stonetalon Mountains (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 15-25
  • Main quest hubs – Sun Rock Retreat
  • Your best bet would be to quest in the Charred Vale zone, just below Sun Rock Retreat

Thousand Needles (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 25-35
  • Main quest hubs – Freewind Post, Mirage Raceway
  • Start by doing the quests in Freewind Post
  • There are dozens of quests in the Shimmering Flats area and, more specifically, Mirage Raceway once you level up a bit

Levels 30 – 40

You’re now deep into contested territories, so it’s highly likely for world PvP scenarios to occur, especially in STV!

Stranglethorn Vale (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 30-45
  • Main quest hubs – Grom’gol Base Camp, Nesingwary’s Expedition, Booty Bay
  • You’ll have plenty of quests to acquire across the various quest hubs to keep on questing
  • Stick to the main road to avoid getting killed by mobs
  • Be prepared for plenty of PvP (unless you play on a PvE server)

Arathi Highlands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 30-40
  • Main quest hubs – Hammerfall
  • Stormgarde Keep is an excellent place for doing challenging quests, although you’ll need a group

Thousand Needles (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 25-35
  • Main quest hubs – Mirage Raceway (Shimmering Flats)

Desolace (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 30-40
  • Main quest hubs – Shadowpray Village, Ghost Walker Post
  • Watch out when following the main road as, eventually, you’ll cross the Mannoroc Coven that’s filled with high-level mobs

Badlands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 35-45
  • Main quest hubs – Kargath, Valley of Fangs
  • Note that there are a few lonely quest givers spread throughout the zone, but almost all quests come from Kargath

Swamp of Sorrows (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 35-45
  • Main quest hubs – Stonard
  • This zone doesn’t have an awful lot of quests as it’s so barren that PvP is very rare

Dustwallow Marsh (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 35-45
  • Main quest hubs – Brackenwall Village
  • Only stay in the upper section of Dustwallow Marsh as end-game elite mobs occupy the southern part of the zone

Levels 40 – 50

You’ll have plenty of zones in this level bracket to choose from. More specifically, your best bet is to travel to a few different zones to reach level 50 as quickly as possible.

Dustwallow Marsh (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 35-45
  • Main quest hubs – Brackenwall Village
  • Be cautious when questing in and around the Stonemaul Ruins as elite mobs patrol the nearby Onyxia Lair dungeon (level 60)

Stranglethorn Vale (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 30-45
  • Main quest hubs – Grom’gol Base Camp, Booty Bay
  • Ideally, you’d now start doing the more intricate Booty Bay quests
  • Again, watch out for enemy players (if you’re on a PvP server)

Badlands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 35-45
  • Main quest hubs – Kargath, Valley of Fangs
  • Try the Uldaman dungeon (level 42+) if you feel like it

Swamp of Sorrows (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 35-45
  • Main quest hubs – Stonard

Feralas (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 40-50
  • Main quest hubs – Camp Mojache
  • Remember that the northern parts of Feralas are reserved for when you’re close to level 50, as mobs are harder there

Tanaris (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 40-50
  • Main quest hubs – Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port
  • Note that elite mobs are roaming outside Zul’Farrak and The Caverns of Time

Searing Gorge (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 43-50
  • Main quest hubs – Thorium Point
  • Ideally, you’d want to be around level 45 to start questing here

The Hinterlands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 40-50
  • Main quest hubs – Raventusk Village
  • Be prepared for a lot of traveling across this zone

Levels 50 – 60

This is your final push, and focusing on several zones abundant in quests will help you get to 60 in no time.

Felwood (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 48-55
  • Main quest hubs – Bloodvenom Post, Emerald Sanctuary, Timbermaw Hold
  • This zone is highly compact so expect some PvP now and then

Blasted Lands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 47-55
  • Main quest hubs – Kum’isha the Collector, the Bloodmagi
  • Don’t go near the Tainted Scar area, as it’s filled with high-level elites

Un’Goro Crater (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 48-55
  • Main quest hubs – Marshal’s Refuge
  • High-level T-Rex-like elite mobs are roaming freely, so never drop your guard when in this zone

Western Plaguelands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 50-60
  • Main quest hubs – The Bulwark
  • Don’t approach the Hearthglen town alone as it’s full of elites
  • Going to the Scholomance dungeon (55-60) can be a sound plan to get some neat gear and level up

Eastern Plaguelands (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 55-60
  • Main quest hubs – Light’s Hope Chapel, Tirion Fordring, The Marris Stead
  • The main road goes through an undead-infested town, so watch out
  • Stratholme (58+) is located here; feel free to try any of its wings (Scarlet or Undead)

Winterspring (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 55-60
  • Main quest hubs – Everlook
  • Darkwhisper Gorge to the south is a big no-no as it’s packed with elite mobs

Silithus (Contested Territory)

  • Zone level – 55-60
  • Main quest hubs – Cenarion Hold
  • Consider the fact that there will be quite some PvP in Silithus, mainly once Phase 5 commences

What Else is There to Know About Horde Leveling?

1. Is it better to prioritize damage-dealing talents, regardless of my class?

Absolutely! Even if you’re playing a hybrid class, opting for a more DPS-oriented spec is always better to speed up your leveling. For example, if you’re playing as a Shaman, you’d want to prioritize talents under the Enhancement tree. Arms talents will be your best bet if you're a Warrior.

2. Do I have to go to dungeons?

It’s up to you. Doing dungeons while leveling up until you hit level 30 is optional, so feel free to skip them if you think they’re a time sink. However, dungeons can help you finish certain quests and get blue items and gold while giving you decent amounts of XP. Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, and Shadowfang Keep seem to be the best options for this level bracket.

3. Should I avoid mobs that are 2 Levels (Yellow) above me?

No, these “yellow” mobs will yield much more XP than their “green” counterparts. It’s advisable to kill on sight each yellow mob you come across as you travel between different towns, zones, quests, etc. And to maximize your leveling speed, please avoid any mobs four levels (or more) below you. They’ll only give you a tiny bit of experience, and you’d be much better off using your resources to slay “yellow” ones.

4. Will professions slow down my leveling?

Most professions will slow you down, especially crafting ones, as they require both gold and time. However, one profession that you should absolutely get and use regardless of your race and class is First Aid.

5. Will I have to grind often?

Not really. Although grinding and WoW go hand in hand, it’s inevitably a normal part of the leveling process. There will be plenty of quests across the various zones, so you won’t need to grind an awful lot, although you might occasionally find yourself killing a bunch of mobs to ding. But to minimize any grinding, your best bet would be to kill every mob on sight as you travel between quests.

6. Do I need to get a mount at level 40?

Yes, by all means, do buy a mount when you reach level 40. Getting a level 40 mount will boost your speed by 60%, which will result in less traveling so that you can focus on what matters most—questing and leveling up. It’ll cost you 90 gold, but those are probably the best 90 gold you’ll ever spend.

7. Do I need a questing addon to reach level 60?

Using one is unnecessary, but a questing addon will speed things up, especially if you’re unfamiliar with vanilla WoW. The best choice, in this case, would be to use Questie, as it’s what most players on Classic servers use when questing.

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