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New World Stonecutting and Mining Leveling Guide 1-200

New World Stonecutting

Stonecutting is an indispensable profession in New World. From the moment you start the game, your Mining can begin with the Flint Pickaxe you have at hand. During the early parts of the game, Stonecutting will not be too important. However, after level 35, Stonecutting will become an essential part of core progression, both for gems and Town Project missions.

You can start the Stonecutting profession during your very first few levels. So keep that in mind while questing, and remember to collect stones whenever you leave settlements. Remember that the more stones you collect, the quicker you can level your Stonecutting. Here are some ways to increase your efficiency while leveling.

Getting Started on Stonecutting

Stonecutting is a gemstone craft. You will not need this profession much during the early game. However, as your character’s level increases, you will realize the importance of Town Project quests. And because of this, you will constantly need Stone Blocks and Stone Bricks. Now, let’s get to the most crucial part of the profession: gems.

What are Gems?

Gems are resources you can insert into sockets on your character’s weapons and armor. The moment you put them in a given gear, it gives various bonuses according to its Tier level. This is why gems make Stonecutting part and parcel of one of the main mechanics of New World. If you do not use gems suitable to your class, you will have a lot of difficulty in both PVE and PVP. Because gems have specific modifiers, itemization can be tricky, as you don’t want to attach a gem that can inflict fire damage on a character you play as a tank, for example.

Stonecutting and Mining Leveling

As you no doubt understand by this point, you cannot progress in the Stonecutting profession unless your Mining level is high. That’s why you need to improve your Stonecutting level parallel with your Mining level. Here’s a simple guide to leveling Mining:

  • Beginner Leveling 0-50

    Assuming that you have just started the game, it will take you 1 hour to reach 50. You mine rocks to increase your mining level; Iron and Silver are ores you can grind at this stage. Depending on your luck, rare materials will also drop from these deposits. That’s why you cut every stone you see while questing. At the same time, you will receive some gems during your farming. Save these gems for later in the game.

  • Medium Leveling 50-150

    At this point, you’ve reached the mid-game and are more familiar with the PvE aspects of the game. After your Mining level reaches 105, you will be able to obtain Lodestone Bricks for the first time from the Lodestones you collect. Especially the “Great Cleave” region has a large amount of the deposits you need. You can go to these areas to collect Lodestones and Starmetal ore. Never try to sell these resources you have obtained in the market because their prices are low and will not benefit you. Therefore, try to level up by crafting Lodestone Bricks.

  • Advanced Leveling 150-200

    This section concerns you if you have reached level 60 in the game. You can now produce the Obsidian Void stones and Rune Stones using in the Stonecutting profession. Since these items are used to produce Tier 5 legendary items, they are expensive and allow you to increase your gear score. To do this, you need to go to the “Great Cleave” region and farm Earthcrag.

More Tips About Leveling Stonecutting

  • The amount of weight you can carry can be a problem regarding Stonecutting and Mining. To avoid this, constantly increase the amount of your storage in the settlement you are leveling. After a while, however, your storage will start to be insufficient, so buy a house and place chests in it. These chests will increase the capacity of your storage.
  • Don’t waste your orbs at beginner and intermediate levels. Collect orbs you craft and obtain. You can use them to reach level 60 in the future.
  • Never buy gems at high prices from the market. As you mine, you will constantly get gems.
  • Create “Buy Orders” in the Trading Post for refining materials that you can use for Stonecutting and try to buy these products cheaply.

Getting to Know the Building Blocks

Stonecutting is directly related to Mining. The more advanced your Mining profession is, the easier it will be for you to gather the resources needed for Stonecutting. There are four blocks that you can craft.

  • Stone Block

    • The Stone Block is a resource you create from processing the stones you get from mining. Especially if you want to quickly level up your Stonecutting profession between levels 0-50, focus on mining rocks and crafting Stone Blocks while keeping the excess you get in your Storage. Essentially, just hoard them because you will need a lot of Stone Blocks during your Stonecutting journey.
  • Stone Brick

    • Once your Stonecutting level reaches 50, the next item you will craft are Stone Bricks. To produce this resource, you need 4 Stone Blocks and 1 Sandpaper. Also, the Stonecutting Table in your Settlement must be Tier 3 to craft this item. You don’t have to worry too much about this because, with each passing day, Factions and Companies develop the Settlements they hold.

      When you start producing Stone Bricks, you will see that your Stonecutting level increases a little faster. We recommend that you store the Stone Bricks you produce in your Storage, just like Stone Blocks. You will need to use a lot of Stone Bricks in Town Project missions at higher levels. Stone Bricks are also used abundantly in making Lodestone Bricks.

      Crafting requirements for Stone Bricks:

      • 1 Sandpaper
      • 4 Stone Blocks
      • Have a Stonecutting Skill of level 50
      • Have a Tier 3 Stonecutting Table
  • Lodestone Brick

    • Lodestone is a rare ore that is frequently used during the mid-game. You can start producing Lodestone Brick after your Stonecutting level reaches 100. At this point, your Mining profession should be level 105 because mining Lodestones require it. When you combine the Lodestones you get here with Stone Brick and Sandpaper, you get a Lodestone Brick. Lodestone Bricks are often used to make orbs, especially for dungeon entrances.

      Crafting requirements for Lodestone Bricks:

      • 6 Lodestones
      • 2 Stone Bricks
      • 1 Sandpaper
      • Have a Stonecutting Skill of level 100
      • Have a Tier 4 Stonecutting Table
  • Obsidian Void Stone

    • The Obsidian Void Stone is one of the highest-level materials you can create with Stonecutting. The Obsidian Void Stone is a Tier 5 level legendary resource that uses scarce items to craft it. Loamy Lodestone, which is used in its production, is obtained from a stone called “Earthcrag, “which is extremely rare, and its spawns depend a lot on luck. Obsidian Void Stones are used extensively in making “Rune Stones,” which are needed in many of the legendary staffs that the Arcana profession can craft. As we mentioned at the beginning, this resource is an endgame element. However, you can slowly produce it when your character reaches level 60.

      Crafting requirements for Obsidian Void Stones:

      • 8 Lodestone Bricks
      • 2 Lodestones
      • 1 Sandpaper
      • 1 Loamy Lodestone
      • Have a Stonecutting Skill of level 150
      • Have a Tier 5 Stonecutting Table

Other Materials Used in Stonecutting

The items we will describe here are used in common with most other professions. Using these resources is very important because, if used during crafting, you can create bonus items depending on the tier.

That’s why we’ll list some refining resources used explicitly for the Stonecutting profession:

  • Pure Solvent: It is a Tier 5 resource. It is rarely obtained from chests on the maps. You can gain more than 80% bonus items when using this solvent in production. We recommend using this resource, especially on rare materials.
  • Weak Solvent: A Tier 3 level Refining component common in the New World universe and used in various crafting professions such as Stonecutting. It is looted from the Supply Containers that appear when you are questing. Therefore, when you go on a quest, do not forget to open the chests around you constantly.
  • Potent Solvent: Like other solvents, it is a Tier 4 level material used in different professions. It comes out of the Supply Containers, especially on the maps between levels 34-58.
  • Coarse Sandpaper: A Tier 3 level rarity material often found in chests on the starting maps. Just like other products, you can farm them from Supply Containers.
  • Obsidian Sandpaper: A material that you can obtain, especially from high-level maps. It is Tier 5 level and allows you to gain 82% bonus items depending on your profession level, which you use in production.
  • Fine Sandpaper: A Tier 4 level resource that will give you a 57% chance of obtaining additional items based on your Stonecutting level. Obtained from chests on maps above level 34.

Turning Orb Components

There are six dungeons in total in New World. To enter these dungeons, only one person in a party of 5 must have a dungeon orb. This section will talk about how you can craft dungeon orbs on the Stonecutting table.

  1. Amrine Tuning Orb

    The Amrine Excavation is the starting dungeon in New World, and you can do it with a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 5 people in total. A person in the Party must have an orb in their inventory.

    Crafting requirements for Amrine Tuning Orbs:

    • 10x Corrupted Silver
    • 1x Iron Chisel
    • 50x Stone Block
    • 1x Eternal Heart
  2. Starstone Tuning Orb

    This dungeon is the 2nd dungeon of the game that you can enter at +35 level. The dungeon entrance is located in the lower part of the Everfall settlement.

    Crafting requirements for Starstone Tuning Orb:

    • 10x Corrupted Fragment
    • 1x Steel Chisel
    • 50x Stone Brick
    • 1x Elemental Heart
  3. Depths Tuning Orb

    After level 40 of the game, you must find Tasklav Gurkin, where he’ll offer you another questline that takes you to The Depths. The recommended entry level is 45, and the dungeon is located in the Restless Shore.

    Crafting requirements for Depths Tuning Orb:

    • 10x Corrupted Shard
    • 1x Starmetal Chisel
    • 50x Lodestone Brick
    • 1x Energy Core
  4. Dynasty Tuning Orb

    Getting the Dynasty Tuning Orb is extremely difficult to finish, and you must have reached level 53 and have completed the quest “Statuette Stash.” The entry point is the extreme point of the Ebonscale Reach region, where you will find Zeng Linguyun, who will offer a quest called “End of Her Reign.”

    Crafting requirements for Dynasty Tuning Orb:

    • 10x Corrupted Crystal
    • 1x Orichalcum Chisel
    • 10x Obsidian Voidstone
    • 1x Energy Core
  5. Lazarus Tuning Orb

    The dungeon that you can unlock with the Lazarus Tuning Orb is in the last levels of the game. Usually, the player enters this dungeon after reaching level 60 to increase their gear score.

    Crafting requirements for Lazarus Tuning Orb:

    • 10x Corrupted Lodestone
    • 1x Asmodeum Chisel
    • 10x Runestone
    • 1x Lazarus Core
  6. Genesis Tuning Orb

    The dungeon you unlock with the Genesis Tuning Orb is an endgame dungeon, just like Lazarus. It is, without a doubt, one of the most challenging dungeons in the game.

    Crafting requirements for Genesis Tuning Orb:

    • 10x Corrupted Lodestone
    • 1x Asmodeum Chisel
    • 5x Runestone
    • 1x Genesis Core

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