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Aion Online Kinah Price Tracker 2024

As of July 25, 2024, the average Aion Kinah price on PlayerAuctions is $7.13 per 1500M Kinah. In the past 7 days, the Aion Kinah price ranged from $7.13 to $7.13USD per 1500M Kinah..

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Best Aion Kinah Sellers This Month

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Most Expensive Aion Items Sold


Set in a fantasy game environment, Aion Online has more than 3.5 million subscribers alone in Asia. With that many Aion Online gamers across the globe, buying and/or selling Kinah, the in-game currency of Aion, is no problem at all. With the game being around since 2008, the MMORPG tries to offer something for everyone and succeeds at it, albeit in varying degrees and at different stages. On the surface, it’s a visually stunning world to adventure in and explore, initially drawing casual PvE gamers. However, underneath the pretty wrapping is a familiar later of elements that the MMO gamers have come to expect – questing, skills, crafting, socialization tools, and of course the economy and its flow depending on the supply and demand.

How Cheap Aion Kinah Was Made

For an online game, it’s normal to get some bugs and glitches sometimes. Things took a nosedive for the value of the in-game currency, however. Back in 2010, Aion’s Azphel was subject to an interesting glitch to say the least. A number of players on the server were rewarded with over 30 trillion Kinah. Of course, the economy exploded into absolute chaos following the glitch as word spread about the lucrative bug. That was perhaps the time were the cheapest Aion Kinah was ever sold on. With a handful of those players either buying everything in the market or selling the gold, it took quite a bit for NCsoft to restore economic stability.

Aion Exchange App: Aion’s Economy on the Go

Publisher NCSoft released an app for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) for Aion. The so-called application, ‘Aion Exchange’ gives players external access to Aion’s in-game economy. The Aion Exchange is described as a “completely indexed and searchable item database” that allows players to browse and sort lists of in-game items in order to deduce things like relative pricing and current marketplace trends.

One of the features of the Aion Exchange is the ‘My Aion and Item Search’ that lets you view all the characters on your game account, along with stats, equipment, and more. In addition to giving instant access to character info, Aion Exchange also serves as a comprehensive item compendium containing information about all the equipment in the game. Besides the other normal things such as having a wish list that one would find in many online stores and push notifications, the app introduces another nifty feature. By having Broker and Price Stats, leverage the power of market trends and highly-indexed search criteria to ensure you’re on top of the latest Broker trends. You can also see weekly and monthly insights for the top five actions, most expensive auctions and least expensive auctions that are all organized in helpful categories such as weapon, skill, consumable, and more.

Aion: Buy Kinah, whilst it’s the Cheapest

Although the Aion Exchange sounds great, there are still some things that it’s missing. For one, it doesn’t show you the rates of how much Kinah goes for everyday. Another thing to note about is that the app isn’t necessarily focused to Kinah, but the economy in general. The app doesn’t come free either. Costing about $1.99 on Apple’s app store, people are hesitant to buy something that should be considered free in the first place! With our market tracker, not only is it free to use, but it’s available for Android and PC users as well. Since our website is optimized for mobiles, you’ll have an easy time scrolling through.

If that isn’t enough to show that PlayerAuctions isn’t the best place to buy Aion Kinah, we also provide detailed charts and graphs showing the past rates of Aion Kinah to USD, from the cheapest Kinah ever sold to the most expensive one. Living on the EU? No problem! You can easily change the servers on our tool, fitting on where you’re situated at. Furthermore, the Aion Exchange app required an NCSoft Master Account and an active Aion game subscription for you to fully use it. Our market tracker requires none of the store and there’s no need to even register on our website!

PlayerAuctions, the Best Place to Buy Aion Kinah

We always listen to what our users have to say on how we could serve you better. By striving to improve on how to provide the best player-to-player marketplace and be the best place to buy Aion Kinah, we’ve created this tool for the purpose of educating users like you on either how to make a business out of selling Kinah or how to buy cheap Aion Kinah.

Showing the most detailed things when it comes to everything Kinah, we showcase the best sellers on every month who have had lots of positive reviews from buyers. Also, we also have a dedicated graph for the most expensive Aion Items that are being sold. Other than the market tracker, we also have other tools & services to help you out! An example of this is our Account Value Calculator which estimates your account value and how much you can sell it for.

PlayerAuctions is an independent player-to-player marketplace for buying and selling virtual video game property. PlayerAuctions is NOT endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Aion Online or its trademark owner.