FFXIV features many prestigious titles that can only be acquired by doing specific content under certain conditions. The Necromancer title is one of those Legendary achievements that could take months to grind because you’re relying on luck to get it. However, some people are unaware of the specific conditions that you need to meet, which makes them wonder why they never got the title despite beating Palace of the Dead. This guide will help players acquire the Necromancer moniker and avoid the common mistakes most people commit.

What is the Necromancer Title

The Necromancer Title is an achievement can only be obtained by soloing all 200 floors of the Palace of the Dead Deep Dungeon. POTD was made to be challenged by a four-man party, so doing all the floors solo is a daunting task. Due to the randomized floors and monsters, you must face, you can quickly die of many things.

How to Unlock the Palace of the Dead Necromancer title

The primary condition for achieving the Necromancer title is to finish all the POTD floors alone. It would help if you queued up for the Deep Dungeon without being a party member. One thing that many players overlook is that they need to do the whole dungeon starting from Floor 1 without any breaks.

Deep Dungeons allow players to take a break from their current runs by letting them exit at specific checkpoints to continue their progress later. Note that you’re not allowed to do this for the Necromancer title. You must run from Floor 1 to 200 without exiting POTD, where many people fail. Many players think they can exit their progress via checkpoints and continue them later as long as they do it solo. If you leave the run at any point while farming the Necromancer title, you will have to start from the beginning. 

What are the Best Jobs to Use for Farming the Title

While you can get the Necromancer title using any job, we highly recommend using Red Mage or Machinists. RDM is one of the safest choices for Palace of the Dead, mainly because of its spammable self-heal. While you won’t clear floors as fast as other jobs, you will survive most due to your high sustainability. However, your self-healing becomes somewhat useless if you are lucky enough in your runs to get infinite recovery potions. 

Many consider Machinists the best for solo farming Palace of the Dead because of their fast, clear speed and extraordinary kiting abilities. Many people who use MCH for soloing POTD don’t mind getting wiped on any floor since they can easily climb back up with this class. With its intense burst and kiting maneuvers, the Machinists can take on most of the challenges on the 180th floor and beyond. We advise learning the mechanics of each floor and the bosses you encounter since you’ll lack self-recovery skills. However, if you are lucky enough, then you might gain access to the spammable potions to address this issue.

If you aren’t a fan of either of these classes, you can opt for Warrior, Paladin, Gunbreaker, or Summoner. Many players who favor a tank-play style often go for Warrior because it has good self-healing and the most decent burst damage among all the beefy jobs. Paladin is a safe choice because it has multiple buffs and healing to help you survive most floors. Gunbreakers are also a good option if you want to deal more damage by sacrificing a bit of your durability. The only issue with using tanks is that you take longer to clear floors, which impacts the time limit. 

Many consider Summoners the next best DPS class after MCH and RDM because they have instant cast skills useful in kiting. They also deal reliable damage that can easily clear most floors. However, they lack interruptions like Blinds and Silence, which MCH has. 

Note: If you are learning POTD, use the class you have first. It’s hard to learn a new class while also learning the mechanics of the Deep Dungeon. Once you get the hang of the Palace of the Dead, you can try out the jobs mentioned above. 

How to Clear Floors 150 to 200

You won’t have much issue clearing the first 130 floors of Palace of the Dead if you aren’t reckless in your runs. Your main problem will be the time limit and how tedious clearing each level is. Enemies start getting more robust and complicated to clear after the 140th. Many people state that solo POTD is about preparing for the 180th Floor bosses and the subsequent stages. This section will help players navigate through the last bit of the Deep Dungeon to get the Necromancer title:

Floor 150 Boss Tisiphone

Your main concern during the whole fight is killing all the ads the boss spawns. Zombies can root you into place as soon as they come in contact with you, which will let the boss land lethal attacks. The undead spawns after the second “Darkness, to me” cast. The succubus is another high-value target because Tisiphone can consume it to restore HP, so you want to take it down when you have free time to DPS it. Meanwhile, the gargoyle adds can inflict Terror on you, but you can easily avoid their attacks since they are telegraphed. 

Most of the bosses’ attacks are telegraphed, so you can easily dodge most of them. The only thing you should watch out for is Blood Rain, a global AoE cast that can deal 13k damage. Since you cannot dodge this, you must ensure your HP potions or healing abilities are up during this time.

Floor 160 Boss: Totesritter

You don’t need to learn any new mechanics since this boss features a similar mechanic to the one on the 60th floor. However, this one deals much harder damage, so you should respect the mechanics this time. Like the previous boss, the main attack that you should be wary of is the telegraphed charged attack, which can cause you to fall off the platform. 

Floor 170 Boss: Yulunggu

Yulunggu features a similar move set to the one on the 70th floor. Their main difference would be the ability of this boss to puddle water, which will cause haste and physical damage to it. Aside from doing the mechanics, it would help if you lured the boss away from the puddles to prevent it from receiving enough buffs. If Yulunggu gets enhanced, his electrogenesis attack will be launched faster and deal with more damage. 

Floor 180 Boss: Dendainsonne

Players find that the 180 Boss is the hardest among the higher floors. While it is similar to the one on the 80th floor, Its kit is enhanced further and it can be very challenging to navigate, even if you memorize the mechanics. Dendaisonne casts the tornado attack twice, which causes two twisters to rampage around the platform simultaneously. Lightning Bolt can easily one-shot DPS classes, so be ready to dodge when the conal telegraph appears. The real challenge with this boss begins at 15% HP because that is when it starts spamming Ecliptic Meteor, a platform-wide attack that inflicts damage based on 80% of your HP. 

The key here is to prevent Dendainsonne from casting the meteors by killing him with burst damage as soon as he hits the 15% HP mark. You want to DPS it until you bring its health to around 16%, and then wait for your burst attacks to be on cooldown. It would help if you used Lust around 20% HP to inflict some stacks on it before it hits the 15% HP mark. Once it hits 15% health, you must use everything you can to eliminate him. The boss can quickly kill most characters within two casts of its meteor, so you should be ready to burst him. 

Floors 181 to 189

After the 180th boss, you will enter the most challenging brackets. These floors have a plethora of monsters that can quickly kill solo players, especially if they don’t know how these mobs are aggroed. Here, we will list down all the monsters that might appear from floors 181 to 189:

  • Deep Palace Grenade – aggro via Sight and should be an easy kill
  • Deep Palace Sprite – aggro via Sight and should be an easy kill
  • Deep Palace Wamoura – aggro via Sight and should be an easy kill
  • Deep Palace Vindthurs – aggro via Sight and should be an easy kill
  • Deep Palace Archaeosaur – aggro via Sight and be cautious when fighting it
  • Deep Palace Wamouracampa – aggro via Sound and be cautious when fighting it
  • Deep Palace Claw – aggro via Sight and avoid it at all costs
  • Deep Palace Crawler – aggro via sounds and avoid it at all costs
  • Deep Palace Worm – aggro via sounds and avoid it at all costs
  • Flood Dragon – aggro via Sight and avoid it at all costs
  • Deep Palace Garm – aggro via Proximity and fight it only if you know the mechanics

Note: Mobs aggroed by Sound can be bypassed simply by walking past them.

If you need to farm mobs for floor conditions, Grenades, Sprites, Wamoura, and Vindthurs are your best targets. While Garms are extremely dangerous, they are pretty easy to kill if you know the mechanics. It has two primary abilities that can one-shot you: Ram and Dragon. Ram is a point-blank AoE, which you must run away from, while Dragon is a room-wide attack with a safe zone in the middle. These attacks are highly telegraphed, so you should know when to run in or out of the room. 

We highly recommend using Flight on floors 186 to 188 so you don’t have to waste too much time on them. If you have extras, you can use Poms like Alterations and Affluence on certain floors. We highly advise saving your Steel, Lusts, and Rage for the next boss fight.

Floor 190 Boss: The Godfather

This bomb boss is similar to the one on the 90th floor, but the colors are reversed. You push the Red Bombs into the boss while destroying the Blue ones instead. You will need Steel for this fight in case you get accidentally hit by the Blue Explosion or Sap. The boss deals tons of damage, so the idea is to use wisely heals to keep your HP at its peak to avoid dying to large cleave attacks. The best time to use Lust is when he casts three Saps in a row. 

Floors 191 to 199

For this section, your main enemy is the timer. You want to use Sights and Safety on the last six floors to make them bearable. Some stages will feature solid and avoidable monsters, and you will need a lot of Steel to clear them. Floors beyond 194 will force you to use Steel often, so ensure you have a lot of it. Beyond floor 197+, we advise players to use a mix of Steel and Resolution to shorten the time you need to clear each stage. Here are all the enemies you might face in this section and whether you should fight them:

  • Deep Palace Mummy – aggro via Proximity and easy to kill
  • Deep Palace Trap – aggro via sounds and easy to navigate through
  • Onyx Dragon – aggro via Proximity and easy to kill as long as you avoid Evil Eye (red mechanic) by looking away
  • Deep Palace Iron Corse – aggro via Proximity and requires Steel when soloing
  • Deep Palace Hippogryph – aggro via Sight and requires Steel when soloing
  • Deep Palace Gourmand – aggro via Proximity and requires Steel when soloing
  • Deep Palace Bicephalus – aggro via Proximity and requires Steel when soloing
  • Deep Palace Wraith – aggro via Proximity and requires caution since they have one-shot abilities
  • Deep Palace Fachan – aggro via Sight and requires caution since they have one-shot abilities
  • Deep Palace Keeper – aggro via Sound and avoid at all costs
  • Deep Palace Knight – aggro via Proximity and avoid at all costs

Floor 200

Once you have completed these floors, you need only complete floor 200 to earn the Necromancer title. Once you’ve done so, you can flaunt your prestigious title to others.