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Sell Lineage 2M Items Today

In 2023, 25,733 sellers made cash from selling on PlayerAuctions.

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Selling Lineage 2M Items

Everybody needs items, from armor and weapons to consumables. Sellers can provide an easy route for players to get what they need quickly and cheaply. It’s a good way to help other players as well as earn real money.

Lineage 2M Items to Sell

Here are some recommendations of Lineage 2M items to sell.

  • Common Items - Also called consumables, players will keep needing to replace the ones they use. This will always be in demand and will always have a buyer. Would be best sold in bulk. Note that bulk selling or getting replaced does not apply to skill books.
  • Rare Crafting Materials - These materials might be hard to find or farm, so they’re scarcer than the usual materials. Buyers would pay for the convenience of not having to find/farm/grind for them. Can be more expensive but less in demand.
  • Equipment - Selling good gear with no level restrictions could be good for beginners, as they won’t have to constantly update their equipment. The best high-level ones can fetch a high price, too.

With the Item Codex system, however, it’s fine to sell a wide variety of items. The buffs the codex provides can be a life-saver. Selling the items that complete the set for certain boosts would be a good idea.

Whatever the item to sell, sellers have the most opportunities to profit in an online marketplace. With a trusted community and policies and systems that benefit customers, it’s a great place to set up shop. Enjoy Lineage 2M and earn that cash!

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