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Sell Destiny 2 Accounts Today

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Sell Destiny 2 Accounts for Real Money to Beginners

Like any long-running game, Destiny 2 is massive. With fifteen seasons worth of content, three mainline expansions in Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Forsaken, saying that there’s a lot to take in is an understatement. The entirety of Destiny 2 has been a fun ride for long-time players, but it can be incredibly daunting for beginners. Destiny 2 has always been an evolving game thanks to the changes being constantly made to some of the vendors and systems, making it difficult to jump into for the majority of people outside the game’s community. But as with all things in life, it’s not impossible to figure out, especially if they have someone that could assist them. By selling Destiny 2 accounts to potential buyers, sellers can make their journey easier by having all of the provisions, ammo, and weapons that they need to get the job done. Plus, having a high-level account right from the get-go is certainly a tempting prospect for some.

Weapon Classes

There are three weapon classes in Destiny 2: Heavy, Kinetic, and Ergy.

  • Heavy weapons do elemental damage and while they’re certainly powerful, they require Heavy ammo which is more difficult to find than the other types of ammo in the game.
  • Kinetic weapons, on the other hand, can’t do elemental damage, but they can pack a punch to enemies that don’t have a shield.
  • Finally, Energy weapons do elemental damage (in the form of Solar, Void, or Arc) and also do extra damage to shielded enemies with matching elements.

Getting All the Expansions

There is free-to-play content, several expansions to purchase, and removed content in Destiny 2. It’s not uncommon for MMOs to offer a combination of pay-to-play expansions and free tidbits of the game, but Destiny 2 is a one-of-a-kind title as it’s the only game to aggressively remove huge chunks of content. Bungie announced that each year (at the expansion boundaries), they’ll cycle some destination and activity content out of the game (and into the DCV) to “make room” for new experiences. The result after that was roughly half of the locations, gear, and activities were removed from the game and cannot be experienced anymore – this happened during the release of Beyond Light.

Just to be safe, it’s recommended for sellers to have all of the present expansions, so they don’t have to worry about potentially missing any content. There’s no telling what Bungie will remove or add back to Destiny 2, but if sellers want to be sure that their accounts would have access to all of the campaigns, raids, and dungeons in the game, then this is the only way to do so.

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