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OCE/ OLD MAIN ACCOUNT/Blue Essence: 34708 /888 Skins/ Handleveled / Champs: 155 /RP: 804 / Lifetime Warranty / Almost all Champions iron bronze silver 30 days Seller After-sale protection

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$ 398.00

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Honor Level: 2
Champions (155): Annie, Olaf, Galio, Twisted Fate, Xin Zhao, Urgot, LeBlanc, Vladimir, Fiddlesticks, Kayle, Master Yi, Alistar, Ryze, Sion, Sivir, Soraka, Teemo, Tristana, Warwick, Nunu & Willump, Miss Fortune, Ashe, Tryndamere, Jax, Morgana, Zilean, Singed, Evelynn, Twitch, Karthus, Cho'Gath, Amumu, Rammus, Anivia, Shaco, Dr. Mundo, Sona, Kassadin, Irelia, Janna, Gangplank, Corki, Karma, Taric, Veigar, Trundle, Swain, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank, Malphite, Katarina, Nocturne, Maokai, Renekton, Jarvan IV, Elise, Orianna, Wukong, Brand, Lee Sin, Vayne, Rumble, Cassiopeia, Skarner, Heimerdinger, Nasus, Nidalee, Udyr, Poppy, Gragas, Pantheon, Ezreal, Mordekaiser, Yorick, Akali, Kennen, Garen, Leona, Malzahar, Talon, Riven, Kog'Maw, Shen, Lux, Xerath, Shyvana, Ahri, Graves, Fizz, Volibear, Rengar, Varus, Nautilus, Viktor, Sejuani, Fiora, Ziggs, Lulu, Draven, Hecarim, Kha'Zix, Darius, Jayce, Lissandra, Diana, Quinn, Syndra, Aurelion Sol, Kayn, Zoe, Zyra, Kai'Sa, Seraphine, Gnar, Zac, Yasuo, Vel'Koz, Taliyah, Camille, Braum, Jhin, Kindred, Jinx, Tahm Kench, Viego, Senna, Lucian, Zed, Kled, Ekko, Qiyana, Vi, Aatrox, Nami, Azir, Yuumi, Samira, Thresh, Illaoi, Rek'Sai, Ivern, Kalista, Bard, Rakan, Xayah, Ornn, Sylas, Neeko, Aphelios, Rell, Pyke, Yone, Sett, Lillia, Gwen
Skin Shards (4): Major Ziggs, Braum Lionheart, Pool Party Miss Fortune, Pharaoh Amumu
Permanent Skin Shards (0): 
Owned Skins (884): PROJECT: Pyke, Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen, Mecha Kingdoms Garen, Blood Moon Pyke, Program Lissandra, Coven Lissandra, Stinger Akali, Infernal Akali, Blood Moon Akali, Dark Cosmic Lissandra, Nurse Akali, Headhunter Akali, K/DA Akali, Sashimi Akali, Spooky Gangplank, Minuteman Gangplank, Toy Soldier Gangplank, Sultan Gangplank, PROJECT: Akali, Captain Gangplank, Dreadnova Gangplank, Neon Strike Vi, Warring Kingdoms Vi, Pool Party Gangplank, Demon Vi, PROJECT: Vi, FPX Gangplank, Heartbreaker Vi, PsyOps Vi, Dragon Knight Mordekaiser, Pentakill Mordekaiser, Infernal Mordekaiser, Lord Mordekaiser, Dark Star Mordekaiser, Nightblade Irelia, Aviator Irelia, Frostblade Irelia, Order of the Lotus Irelia, iG Irelia, PROJECT: Irelia, High Noon Irelia, Myrmidon Pantheon, Perseus Pantheon, Ruthless Pantheon, Glaive Warrior Pantheon, Full Metal Pantheon, Zombie Slayer Pantheon, Dragonslayer Pantheon, Muse Sona, Pentakill Sona, Guqin Sona, Arcade Sona, DJ Sona, Sweetheart Sona, Pulsefire Pantheon, Odyssey Sona, Ruined Pantheon, PsyOps Sona, Program Camille, Resistance Illaoi, Void Bringer Illaoi, iG Camille, Death Blossom Kha'Zix, Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix, Dark Star Kha'Zix, Noxus Poppy, Blacksmith Poppy, Lollipoppy, Star Guardian Poppy, Scarlet Hammer Poppy, Mad Hatter Shaco, Nutcracko, Asylum Shaco, Masked Shaco, Wild Card Shaco, Dark Star Shaco, Astronaut Poppy, Arcanist Shaco, Soul Reaver Draven, Primetime Draven, Pool Party Draven, Draven Draven, Snow Bunny Nidalee, French Maid Nidalee, Leopard Nidalee, Mecha Kingdoms Draven, Bewitching Nidalee, Warring Kingdoms Nidalee, Headhunter Nidalee, Super Galaxy Nidalee, Challenger Nidalee, Chrome Rammus, Dawnbringer Nidalee, Molten Rammus, Freljord Rammus, True Damage Qiyana, Battle Boss Qiyana, Battle Queen Qiyana, Hextech Rammus, Spirit Blossom Kindred, Super Galaxy Kindred, Shadowfire Kindred, Bittersweet Lulu, Wicked Lulu, Winter Wonder Lulu, Star Guardian Lulu, Alien Invader Heimerdinger, Piltover Customs Heimerdinger, Blast Zone Heimerdinger, Snowmerdinger, Pajama Guardian Lulu, Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger, Cosmic Enchantress Lulu, Nightmare Cho'Gath, Gentleman Cho'Gath, Jurassic Cho'Gath, Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, Pool Party Heimerdinger, Prehistoric Cho'Gath, Space Groove Lulu, Braum Lionheart, Crime City Braum, Santa Braum, Mad Scientist Ziggs, Pool Party Ziggs, Major Ziggs, Master Arcanist Ziggs, Snow Day Ziggs, Odyssey Ziggs, Battle Boss Ziggs, Battlecast Alpha Skarner, Sugar Rush Braum, Guardian of the Sands Skarner, Sugar Rush Ziggs, Whistler Village Twitch, Vandal Twitch, SSW Twitch, Star Guardian Xayah, SSG Xayah, Sweetheart Xayah, Cosmic Dusk Xayah, High Noon Thresh, SSW Thresh, Twitch Shadowfoot, Dark Star Thresh, Blood Moon Thresh, Deep Terror Thresh, FPX Thresh, Traditional Sejuani, Darkrider Sejuani, Pulsefire Thresh, Poro Rider Sejuani, Sejuani Dawnchaser, Beast Hunter Sejuani, Firecracker Sejuani, Spirit Blossom Thresh, Mad Scientist Singed, Augmented Singed, Snow Day Singed, SSW Singed, Beekeeper Singed, Count Kledula, Sir Kled, Pool Party Zac, SKT T1 Zac, Abyssal Nautilus, Subterranean Nautilus, Warden Nautilus, Rumble in the Jungle, Super Galaxy Rumble, Bilgerat Rumble, Exiled Morgana, Sinful Succulence Morgana, Blade Mistress Morgana, Blackthorn Morgana, Ghost Bride Morgana, PROJECT: Zed, Shockblade Zed, Lunar Wraith Morgana, Bewitching Morgana, Death Sworn Zed, Worlds 2016 Zed, Majestic Empress Morgana, PsyOps Zed, Galaxy Slayer Zed, Coven Morgana, Highland Tryndamere, King Tryndamere, Demonblade Tryndamere, Sultan Tryndamere, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere, Chemtech Tryndamere, Striker Lucian, Hired Gun Lucian, Blood Moon Tryndamere, Heartseeker Lucian, PROJECT: Lucian, High Noon Lucian, Prestige Pulsefire Lucian, Pulsefire Lucian, Snow Day Gnar, Mecha Kingdoms Sett, El León Gnar, SSW Rengar, SSG Gnar, Arcana Lucian, Astronaut Gnar, Super Galaxy Gnar, Traditional Lee Sin, Acolyte Lee Sin, Muay Thai Lee Sin, Pool Party Lee Sin, SKT T1 Lee Sin, Pretty Kitty Rengar, Cowgirl Miss Fortune, Knockout Lee Sin, Waterloo Miss Fortune, God Fist Lee Sin, Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett, Candy Cane Miss Fortune, Road Warrior Miss Fortune, Obsidian Dragon Sett, Guardian of the Sands Rengar, Crime City Miss Fortune, Arcade Miss Fortune, Captain Fortune, Pool Party Miss Fortune, Star Guardian Miss Fortune, Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, Pajama Guardian Miss Fortune, Bewitching Miss Fortune, Nightbringer Lee Sin, Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune, FPX Lee Sin, Atlantean Fizz, Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune (2022), Fisherman Fizz, Tundra Fizz, Void Fizz, Super Galaxy Fizz, Cottontail Fizz, Volcanic Wukong, General Wukong, Omega Squad Fizz, Jade Dragon Wukong, Underworld Wukong, Radiant Wukong, Lancer Stratus Wukong, Fuzz Fizz, Grey Warwick, Tundra Hunter Warwick, Firefang Warwick, Hyena Warwick, Marauder Warwick, Lunar Guardian Warwick, Dynasty Ahri, Foxfire Ahri, Midnight Ahri, Challenger Ahri, Popstar Ahri, Arcade Ahri, Academy Ahri, Death Blossom Elise, Blood Moon Elise, Super Galaxy Elise, K/DA Ahri, Star Guardian Ahri, Elderwood Ahri, Happy Elf Teemo, Recon Teemo, Badger Teemo, Astronaut Teemo, Super Teemo, Panda Teemo, Omega Squad Teemo, Spirit Blossom Ahri, K/DA ALL OUT Ahri, Little Devil Teemo, Beemo, Spirit Blossom Teemo, Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo, Runeborn Xerath, Scorched Earth Xerath, Battlecast Xerath, Dark Star Xerath, Outback Renekton, Bloodfury Renekton, Scorched Earth Renekton, Pool Party Renekton, Prehistoric Renekton, SKT T1 Renekton, Renektoy, Bandit Sivir, Snowstorm Sivir, Pizza Delivery Sivir, Blackfrost Renekton, Blood Moon Sivir, Pool Party Zoe, Cyber Pop Zoe, Sorceress Lux, Commando Lux, Spellthief Lux, Star Guardian Zoe, Steel Legion Lux, Imperial Lux, Elementalist Lux, Arcanist Zoe, Lunar Empress Lux, Frozen Terror Nocturne, Prestige Arcanist Zoe, Void Nocturne, Ravager Nocturne, Haunting Nocturne, Eternum Nocturne, Cursed Revenant Nocturne, Battle Academia Lux, Old God Nocturne, Dark Cosmic Lux, Tribal Ryze, Uncle Ryze, Cosmic Lux, Professor Ryze, Zombie Ryze, Dark Crystal Ryze, Pirate Ryze, SKT T1 Ryze, Worlds 2019 Ryze, Shamrock Malphite, Coral Reef Malphite, Marble Malphite, Obsidian Malphite, Mecha Malphite, Chosen Master Yi, Ionia Master Yi, Samurai Yi, Koi Nami, Headhunter Master Yi, Nightbringer Aphelios, River Spirit Nami, Odyssey Malphite, PROJECT: Yi, Cosmic Blade Master Yi, Splendid Staff Nami, Eternal Sword Yi, SKT T1 Nami, Program Nami, Dark Star Malphite, Prestige Dark Star Malphite, FPX Malphite, Snow Man Yi, Blood Moon Master Yi, PsyOps Master Yi, Spirit Blossom Yone, Spectral Fiddlesticks, Union Jack Fiddlesticks, Bandito Fiddlesticks, Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks, Fiddle Me Timbers, Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Zombie Slayer Jinx, Risen Fiddlesticks, Firecracker Jinx, Praetorian Fiddlesticks, Crime City Jinx, Star Guardian Jinx, Odyssey Jinx, Ambitious Elf Jinx, PROJECT: Jinx, Heartseeker Jinx, Tyrant Swain, Dragon Master Swain, Wicked LeBlanc, Prestigious LeBlanc, Mistletoe LeBlanc, Ravenborn LeBlanc, Crystal Rose Swain, Program LeBlanc, iG LeBlanc, Coven LeBlanc, Atlantean Syndra, Queen of Diamonds Syndra, Star Guardian Syndra, Pool Party Syndra, Snow Day Syndra, SKT T1 Syndra, Renegade Talon, Crimson Elite Talon, Blood Moon Talon, SSW Talon, Lil' Slugger Trundle, Junkyard Trundle, Traditional Trundle, Constable Trundle, Worldbreaker Trundle, Enduring Sword Talon, Dragonslayer Trundle, Imperial Xin Zhao, Viscero Xin Zhao, Winged Hussar Xin Zhao, Talon Blackwood, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, Lunar Wraith Sylas, Prestige PROJECT: Sylas, PROJECT: Sylas, Dragonslayer Xin Zhao, Freljord Sylas, Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao, Valkyrie Leona, Iron Solari Leona, Defender Leona, Pool Party Leona, Barbecue Leona, PROJECT: Leona, Lunar Eclipse Leona, Solar Eclipse Leona, Mecha Kingdoms Leona, Enchanted Galio, Hextech Galio, Gatekeeper Galio, Debonair Galio, Birdio, Infernal Galio, Worlds 2015 Kalista, SKT T1 Kalista, Blood Moon Kalista, Emerald Taric, Armor of the Fifth Age Taric, Bloodstone Taric, Pool Party Taric, Taric Luminshield, Red Riding Annie, Annie in Wonderland, Frostfire Annie, Reverse Annie, FrankenTibbers Annie, Panda Annie, Hextech Annie, Super Galaxy Annie, Annie-Versary, Dunkmaster Ivern, Candy King Ivern, Karate Kennen, Arctic Ops Kennen, Kennen M.D., Super Kennen, Blood Moon Kennen, Infernal Kennen, Ice Toboggan Corki, Red Baron Corki, Hot Rod Corki, Urfrider Corki, Fnatic Corki, Arcade Corki, Corgi Corki, Full Metal Jayce, Forsaken Jayce, Battle Academia Jayce, Undertaker Yorick, Pentakill Yorick, Meowrick, Resistance Jayce, Tempest Janna, Frost Queen Janna, Forecast Janna, Fnatic Janna, Star Guardian Janna, Bewitching Janna, Guardian of the Sands Janna, Battle Queen Janna, Nottingham Ezreal, Frosted Ezreal, Striker Ezreal, Pulsefire Ezreal, Explorer Ezreal, Debonair Ezreal, TPA Ezreal, Arcade Ezreal, Deep One Kassadin, Pre-Void Kassadin, Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, Count Kassadin, SSG Ezreal, Star Guardian Ezreal, Battle Academia Ezreal, Pajama Guardian Ezreal, Prestige PsyOps Ezreal, PsyOps Ezreal, Pool Party Rek'Sai, Lord Darius, Woad King Darius, Bioforge Darius, Dunkmaster Darius, Scuba Gragas, Academy Darius, Santa Gragas, Hillbilly Gragas, Vandal Gragas, Gragas, Esq., Superfan Gragas, God-King Darius, Oktoberfest Gragas, Toxic Dr. Mundo, Mr. Mundoverse, Arctic Ops Gragas, Executioner Mundo, Rageborn Mundo, TPA Mundo, Pool Party Mundo, El Macho Mundo, Frozen Prince Mundo, SSG Taliyah, Pool Party Taliyah, Freljord Taliyah, Blood Knight Hecarim, Reaper Hecarim, Worldbreaker Hecarim, Black Belt Udyr, High Noon Hecarim, Spirit Guard Udyr, Primal Udyr, Dragon Oracle Udyr, Team Spirit Anivia, Bird of Prey Anivia, Noxus Hunter Anivia, Hextech Anivia, Blackfrost Anivia, Festival Queen Anivia, Papercraft Anivia, Arclight Vel'Koz, Definitely Not Vel'Koz, Battlecast Vel'Koz, Infernal Vel'Koz, Galactic Nasus, Dreadknight Nasus, Pharaoh Nasus, Infernal Nasus, Riot K-9 Nasus, Archduke Nasus, Pharaoh Amumu, Lunar Guardian Nasus, Vancouver Amumu, Emumu, Worldbreaker Nasus, Almost-Prom King Amumu, PROJECT: Ekko, Surprise Party Amumu, Academy Ekko, Sandstorm Ekko, SKT T1 Jhin, SKT T1 Ekko, Infernal Amumu, Blood Moon Jhin, High Noon Jhin, Dark Cosmic Jhin, Trick or Treat Ekko, PROJECT: Jhin, Hextech Amumu, True Damage Ekko, Pumpkin Prince Amumu, Pulsefire Ekko, Phantom Karthus, Statue of Karthus, Grim Reaper Karthus, Pentakill Karthus, Fnatic Karthus, Karthus Lightsbane, Infernal Karthus, PROJECT: Yasuo, Blood Moon Yasuo, High Noon Yasuo, Royal Guard Fiora, Odyssey Yasuo, Nightbringer Yasuo, Nightraven Fiora, Pool Party Fiora, PROJECT: Fiora, True Damage Yasuo, Masquerade Evelynn, Tango Evelynn, Blood Moon Evelynn, K/DA Evelynn, Sugar Rush Evelynn, Prestige True Damage Yasuo, Star Guardian Rakan, iG Rakan, SSG Rakan, Sweetheart Rakan, Spirit Blossom Yasuo, iG Fiora, Cosmic Dawn Rakan, K/DA ALL OUT Evelynn, Pulsefire Fiora, Full Machine Viktor, Creator Viktor, Prototype Viktor, Lunar Beast Fiora, Death Sworn Viktor, Desperada Cassiopeia, Mythic Cassiopeia, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia, Eternum Cassiopeia, Shurima Desert Zilean, Time Machine Zilean, Sugar Rush Zilean, Blight Crystal Varus, Arctic Ops Varus, Arclight Varus, Varus Swiftbolt, Conqueror Varus, Dark Star Varus, Infernal Varus, Vindicator Vayne, Dragonslayer Vayne, SKT T1 Vayne, Heartseeker Vayne, Arclight Vayne, The Mighty Jax, PROJECT: Vayne, Vandal Jax, Soulstealer Vayne, Angler Jax, Jaximus, Firecracker Vayne, Temple Jax, FPX Vayne, Nemesis Jax, SKT T1 Jax, Warden Jax, God Staff Jax, Mecha Kingdoms Jax, Freljord Ashe, Woad Ashe, Queen Ashe, Amethyst Ashe, Heartseeker Ashe, Marauder Ashe, PROJECT: Ashe, Worlds 2017 Ashe, True Damage Senna, Cosmic Queen Ashe, High Noon Senna, High Noon Ashe, Prestige True Damage Senna, Thunder Lord Volibear, Runeguard Volibear, Northern Storm Volibear, El Rayo Volibear, Captain Volibear, The Thousand-Pierced Bear, Apocalyptic Brand, Vandal Brand, Zombie Brand, Spirit Fire Brand, Battle Boss Brand, Arclight Brand, Sasquatch Nunu & Willump, Workshop Nunu & Willump, Grungy Nunu & Willump, Nunu & Willump Bot, Demolisher Nunu & Willump, TPA Nunu & Willump, Zombie Nunu & Willump, Crime City Graves, Jailbreak Graves, Pool Party Graves, PsyOps Samira, Snow Day Graves, Cutthroat Graves, Gothic Orianna, Sewn Chaos Orianna, TPA Orianna, Winter Wonder Orianna, Dark Star Orianna, Earnest Elf Tristana, Firefighter Tristana, Guerilla Tristana, Buccaneer Tristana, Rocket Girl Tristana, Dragon Trainer Tristana, Bewitching Tristana, Omega Squad Tristana, Little Demon Tristana, Bullet Angel Kai'Sa, Pengu Cosplay Tristana, Darkflame Shyvana, Boneclaw Shyvana, K/DA Kai'Sa, Worlds 2014 Shyvana, Ice Drake Shyvana, Super Galaxy Shyvana, Ruined Shyvana, Commando Jarvan IV, Dragonslayer Jarvan IV, iG Kai'Sa, Arcade Kai'Sa, Darkforge Jarvan IV, Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Fnatic Jarvan IV, Dark Star Jarvan IV, SSG Jarvan IV, Dryad Soraka, Prestige K/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa, Divine Soraka, Pool Party Jarvan IV, Celestine Soraka, Reaper Soraka, Program Soraka, Star Guardian Soraka, Pajama Guardian Soraka, Dawnbringer Soraka, Nightbringer Soraka, Prestige Star Guardian Soraka, Haunted Zyra, SKT T1 Zyra, Wildfire Zyra, Prestige Coven Zyra, Coven Zyra, Totemic Maokai, Festive Maokai, Haunted Maokai, Goalkeeper Maokai, Meowkai, Lumberjack Sion, Mecha Zero Sion, Worldbreaker Maokai, Worldbreaker Sion, Odyssey Kayn, Soulhunter Kayn, Frozen Shen, Surgeon Shen, Yellow Jacket Shen, Warlord Shen, Blood Moon Shen, TPA Shen, Mercenary Katarina, Red Card Katarina, Bilgewater Katarina, Kitty Cat Katarina, Sandstorm Katarina, Pulsefire Shen, Slay Belle Katarina, Warring Kingdoms Azir, Warring Kingdoms Katarina, Infernal Shen, PROJECT: Katarina, Death Sworn Katarina, Matador Alistar, Battle Academia Katarina, Galactic Azir, Infernal Alistar, Gravelord Azir, SKT T1 Azir, Sweeper Alistar, PsyOps Shen, Marauder Alistar, Moo Cow Alistar, Conqueror Alistar, Blackfrost Alistar, Monarch Kog'Maw, Deep Sea Kog'Maw, Pug'Maw, Battlecast Kog'Maw, Boom Boom Blitzcrank, Piltover Customs Blitzcrank, Definitely Not Blitzcrank, iBlitzcrank, Riot Blitzcrank, Arcanist Kog'Maw, Viridian Kayle, Transcended Kayle, Blood Moon Aatrox, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, Battleborn Kayle, Aether Wing Kayle, Sea Hunter Aatrox, Riot Kayle, Coin Emperor Tahm Kench, Iron Inquisitor Kayle, Urf Kench, Master Chef Tahm Kench, Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank, Bee'Maw, Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank, Witch's Brew Blitzcrank, PsyOps Kayle, Odyssey Aatrox, Space Groove Blitz & Crank, Dragonslayer Kayle, Resistance Caitlyn, Sheriff Caitlyn, Safari Caitlyn, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn, Officer Caitlyn, Headhunter Caitlyn, Heartseeker Yuumi, Count Vladimir, Marquis Vladimir, Lunar Wraith Caitlyn, Nosferatu Vladimir, Pulsefire Caitlyn, Vandal Vladimir, Pool Party Caitlyn, Blood Lord Vladimir, Soulstealer Vladimir, Yuubee, Dark Waters Vladimir, Arcade Caitlyn, Nightbringer Vladimir, Redeemed Riven, Battle Bunny Riven, Crimson Elite Riven, Dragonblade Riven, Reignited Worlds 2012 Riven, Dawnbringer Riven, Butcher Urgot, Battlecast Urgot, Pulsefire Riven, Winter Wonder Neeko, High Noon Urgot, Prestige Star Guardian Neeko, Star Guardian Neeko, Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot, Prestige Star Guardian Neeko (2022), Elderwood Bard, Woad Scout Quinn, Corsair Quinn, Astronaut Bard, Heartseeker Quinn, Warden Quinn, Vizier Malzahar, Djinn Malzahar, Shadow Prince Malzahar, Snow Day Malzahar, Overlord Malzahar, Battle Boss Malzahar, Worldbreaker Malzahar, Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, The Magnificent Twisted Fate, Tango Twisted Fate, High Noon Twisted Fate, Thunder Lord Ornn, Underworld Twisted Fate, Red Card Twisted Fate, Cutpurse Twisted Fate, Blood Moon Twisted Fate, Pulsefire Twisted Fate, Dark Valkyrie Diana, Infernal Diana, Blood Moon Diana, Dark Waters Diana, Dragonslayer Diana, Veigar Greybeard, Leprechaun Veigar, Baron Von Veigar, Superb Villain Veigar, Bad Santa Veigar, Final Boss Veigar, Omega Squad Veigar, Glacial Olaf, Brolaf, Pentakill Olaf, Elderwood Veigar, Butcher Olaf, Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar, SKT T1 Olaf, Dragonslayer Olaf, Sanguine Garen, Commando Garen, Desert Trooper Garen, Dreadknight Garen, Steel Legion Garen, Sun Goddess Karma, Sakura Karma, Warring Kingdoms Garen, Rogue Admiral Garen, Traditional Karma, God-King Garen, Warden Karma, Winter Wonder Karma, Conqueror Karma, Demacia Vice Garen, Winterblessed Sylas
Orange essence: 4675
Riot Points: 804
Blue Essence: 34708

If your account gets banned,(which has never happened before) you would instantly get a replacement account or a refund!
For more Questions, just send a private message!
If you are interested in buying accounts in bulk (5 accounts or more at once), feel free to message me for a discount

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