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Sell Lords Mobile Items Today

In 2024, 25,337 sellers made cash from selling on PlayerAuctions.

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Lords Mobile: How to Gift Items (Send/Transfer Items)

Players need to buy the most expensive pack to be able to gift items. It contains a key that unlocks the feature to gift items to guildmates. One key is enough, and buying the pack again would be redundant.

After receiving the key, players can gift whatever they can buy with gems from the Gift Shop or the Gem Mall. That means power-ups, energy, and name changes are available for gifting. All they have to do is to press the gift button at the top right of a member's profile.

This step is important for sellers, as they will not be able to trade to their buyers otherwise.

What Lords Mobile Items Sellers Can Offer

1. Gems

In Lords Mobile, players can use gems to buy quite a lot of special things, including all kinds of resources such as Revival Fruit, Royale Pass, and more. While Lords Mobile has Crystals as its currency, gems are limited wherein players can get exclusive and limited chests/heroes for it as opposed to using Crystals. Gems are important for buyers as they can use them to gain more hearts/energy in the game to be able to continue playing.

As gems cannot be directly traded between players, sellers would have to offer items and 'sell' gems through items. Anything sold on the Gift Shop and Gem Mall may be gifted!

2. Guild Gifts

Guild Gifts can be received whenever the player or their guild members kill a monster on the world map or spend money in the game. When a Guild Gift is opened, the player will stand a chance to gain some gems and better rewards compared to a normal chest.

Sellers might have to read up on the game's policies and rules. Participating in this kind of transaction may lead to unexpected consequences with the account. Knowledge is important so users are aware with what to do when it comes to online trading. If there are any doubts, ask a legal professional to help clear them up.

Happy trading, and enjoy Lords Mobile!

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