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Sell GW Items Today

In 2024, 25,337 sellers made cash from selling on PlayerAuctions.

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Selling Guild Wars Items

Player-to-player trading is exchanging virtual goods or services related to virtual goods for real money. There can be many reasons to sell Guild Wars items, from needing the cash to wanting to help other people. No matter the reason, sellers have to carefully pick where they choose to sell items. Some marketplace sites may not have the right systems in place to protect both buyers and sellers, and so must be avoided.

Here are the hallmarks of a good marketplace site:

  • Good Security
  • Reputation Systems
  • Large Community
  • No Subscription Fees
All of these make for a good marketplace site to set up shop. Security keeps the money from going into an unrelated third party's pocket. Reputation systems tells buyers which sellers provide good service. It can also work in reverse, showing which buyers believe in fair deals.


Large communities provide a huge pool of potential customers, making sure that there's always a buyer willing to take an unpopular offer. It also shows the trustworthiness of the site, as communities won't grow without the proper policies and systems in place. Lastly, no subscription fees means cheaper prices and good profits for the seller.

Good luck in finding a good marketplace, and keep on enjoying Guild Wars!

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>135 Buyer & Seller
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A secure and reliable marketplace for entrepreneurial gamers
  • 1+ million worldwide members from over 140 countries
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  • Accept payments from buyers across the globe
  • No membership fees
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  • Advertising and promotional tools to boost sales
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