Sell Elden Ring Accounts Today
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Done with the Game? Sell Elden Ring Accounts for Real Money
If a seller has, like many players at this point, racked up 400 hours in Elden Ring and is on NG+7 with every single item in the game looted multiple times over, it’s safe to say they may be somewhat burnt out with it until the DLC comes around. Instead of waiting with Elden Ring in your library until then, why not make some money by selling your account? New players who don’t want to struggle through the early game Tarnished experienced will benefit by having a variety of builds available to them from the beginning and you can convert your dedication to some quick cash. Likewise, buyers looking for PvP twink accounts can jump straight into the fight clubs and invasion gameplay loop.
How to Make an Elden Ring Account More Valuable
There are several things a seller can do to maximize the potential price of their Elden Ring account. A completionist playthrough will go a long way in generating buyer interest. If a seller is about to finish the game and jump into their next NG+ cycle, here are a few things they should make sure they have collected:
Make sure to have found every weapon in the game, including the hard-to-get ones. This might take multiple playthroughs as there aren’t enough Walking Mausoleums to duplicate every boss weapon in the game. A guide is recommended here for the most obscure ones, including the Dark Moon Greatsword and that whip in Caria Manor (this one is a doozy).
Collecting every armor set in the game will be a grind, but thankfully, not an overwhelming one. By boosting Item Discovery and looking up enemy drops, it shouldn’t take more than a day of a playthrough to have gone back through the game and collected the random gauntlets or leg armors that were missing. Sellers should look for desirable sets such as the Black Knife Set or Lionel’s Armor.
Incantations and Sorceries
If sellers have been meticulous in collecting scrolls and buying spells, the complete collection of spells shouldn’t be too far away. Easy-to-miss spells include those obtained from Sorceress Sellen’s questline and certain boss remembrances (which may require multiple playthroughs).
Upgrade Materials
Having enough upgrade materials to save buyers the hassle of having to farm themselves is a thoughtful addition. Granted, with the Miner’s Ball Bearing, it isn’t too difficult to buy everything from the Twin Maidens but having enough Great Glove Gravewort, Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones, and Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones will save buyers significant amounts of time, as these are limited per playthrough, provided there are no dupes or exploits involved.
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