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Sell Warpath Accounts Today

In 2023, 25,733 sellers made cash from selling on PlayerAuctions.

Sell Warpath Accounts Today I Want to Buy Warpath Accounts

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Players might be disheartened that their account is going to gather cobwebs when they decide to stop playing Warpath. One solution that they see to this is to sell the Warpath account. While it’s mostly those that have much experience with Warpath that take this up, players that have sufficient experience with strategy and resource and base management games have also been known to sell their account.

Selling Warpath Accounts - How to Set the Price?

Getting past the concerns regarding the constant grind and the RNG is why those that sell Warpath account make money. Thus, when setting the price for an offer, it is important to know the various usual factors that affect the account’s value, which are the following:

  • Number of competitive 7-star units
  • Number and level of buildings
  • Number of available units in the field
  • Chosen build for army
  • Competitiveness and compatibility of chosen officer

Alternatively, sellers can choose to ignore this and sell the account at any price. It is their account, so they are free to sell it regardless of its actual value. It is, however, more recommended that they stay close to the account’s actual value. This way, players are likelier to buy their offer.

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