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WoW: Cataclysm Classic Engineering Guide

wow cata engineering

Even though Engineering requires materials processed by other professions, it also produces some of the most useful tools and gadgets in the game. In this guide, we'll show you the ropes of how to efficiently level Engineering, so you can make your own tools and valuable items to sell at the Auction House in no time.

Required Materials for Level 1-525

This list of materials is everything you need to reach Level 525. As a rule of thumb, when crafting, be sure to save your components as they can be re-used for other gadgets. Be sure to stay close to your stash or bank while engineering, so you won’t have to run back and forth while transferring materials.

  • 60 Rough Stone
  • 66 Copper Bar
  • 50 Linen Cloth
  • 60 Coarse Stone
  • 5 Silver Bar
  • 110 Bronze Bar
  • 25 Weak Flux
  • 10 Moss Agate
  • 30 Heavy Stone
  • 60 Wool Cloth
  • 15 Medium Leather
  • 4 Steel Bar
  • 120 Solid Stone
  • 170 Mithril Bar
  • 20 Mageweave Cloth
  • 60 Dense Stone
  • 210 Thorium Bar
  • 35 Runecloth
  • 70 Fel Iron Bar
  • 20 Mote of Fire
  • 40 Mote of Earth
  • 40 Adamantite Bar
  • 70 Netherweave Cloth
  • 280 Cobalt Bar
  • 55 Crystallized Water
  • 10 Crystallized Earth
  • 7 Frostweave Cloth
  • 120 Saronite Bar
  • 15 Crystallized Fire
  • 14 Borean Leather
  • 7 Eternal Shadow
  • 15 Froststeel Tube
  • 10 Overcharged Capacitor
  • 85 Obsidium Bar
  • 4 Alicite
  • 52 Volatile Earth
  • 40 Volatile Air
  • 19 Volatile Fire
  • 130 Elementium Bar
  • 19 Hardened Elementium Bar
  • 6 Dream Emerald

Crafting Order Per Level

Follow these tables as a step-by-step guide of what you should be crafting based on your level bracket.

Level 1 -135




1 - 30

60 Rough Blasting Powder

60 Rough Stone

30 - 50

30 Handful of Copper Bolts

30 Copper Bar

50 - 51

1 Arclight Spanner

6 Copper Bar

51 - 75

30 Rough Copper Bomb

30 Copper Bar

30 Handful of Copper Bolts

60 Rough Blasting Powder

30 Linen Cloth

75 - 90

60 Coarse Blasting Powder

60 Coarse Stone

90 - 100

20 Coarse Dynamite

60 Coarse Blasting Powder

20 Linen Cloth

100 - 105

5 Silver Contact

5 Silver Bar

105 - 125

25 Bronze Tube

50 Bronze Bar

25 Weak Flux

125 - 135

10 Standard Scope

10 Bronze Tube

10 Moss Agate

Level 135 - 200




135 - 150

30 Heavy Blasting Powder

30 Heavy Stone

135 - 150

15 Whirring Bronze Gizmo

30 Bronze Bar

15 Wool Cloth

150 - 160

15 Bronze Framework

30 Bronze Bar

15 Medium Leather

15 Wool Cloth

160 - 175

15 Explosive Sheep

15 Bronze Framework

15 Whirring Bronze Gizmo

30 Heavy Blasting Powder

30 Wool Cloth

175 - 176

1 Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor

4 Steel Bar Steel Bar

176 - 195

60 Solid Blasting Powder

120 Solid Stone Solid Stone

195 - 200

7 Mithril Tube

21 Mithril Bar Mithril Bar

Level 200 - 300




200 - 215

20 Unstable Trigger

20 Mithril Bar

20 Mageweave Cloth

20 Solid Blasting Powder

215 - 238

40 Mithril Casing

120 Mithril Bar

238 - 250

20 Hi-Explosive Bomb

40 Mithril Casing

20 Unstable Trigger

40 Solid Blasting Powder

250 - 260

30 Dense Blasting Powder

60 Dense Stone

260 - 285

35 Thorium Widget

105 Thorium Bar

35 Runecloth

285 - 300

17 Thorium Tube

102 Thorium Bar

Level 300-350




300 - 320

40 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts

40 Fel Iron Bar

300 - 320

20 Elemental Blasting Powder

20 Mote of Fire

40 Mote of Earth

300 - 320

10 Fel Iron Casing

30 Fel Iron Bar

320 - 325

10 Fel Iron Bomb

10 Fel Iron Casing

20 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts

10 Elemental Blasting Powder

325 - 335

10 Adamantite Grenade

40 Adamantite Bar

20 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts

10 Elemental Blasting Powder

335 - 350

60 White Smoke Flare

60 Elemental Blasting Powder

60 Netherweave Cloth

Level 350 - 435




350 - 375

35 Handful of Cobalt Bolts

70 Cobalt Bar

350 - 375

14 Volatile Blasting Trigger

42 Cobalt Bar

14 Crystallized Water

375 - 385

10 Overcharged Capacitor

40 Cobalt Bar

10 Crystallized Earth

390 - 400

15 Froststeel Tube

120 Cobalt Bar

15 Crystallized Water

400 - 405

5 Diamond Refractor Scope

5 Froststeel Tube

10 Handful of Cobalt Bolts

405 - 410

5 Box of Bombs

25 Saronite Bar

5 Volatile Blasting Trigger

410 - 420

13 Goblin Beam Welder

78 Saronite Bar

39 Crystallized Fire

39 Crystallized Water


7 Mechanized Snow Goggles

56 Saronite Bar

14 Borean Leather

7 Eternal Shadow

430 - 435

5 Noise Machine

10 Froststeel Tube

10 Overcharged Capacitor

40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts

Level 435 - 525




435 - 447

20 Handful of Obsidium Bolts

40 Obsidium Bar

447 - 450

1 Electrostatic Condenser

4 Obsidium Bar

6 Handful of Obsidium Bolts

4 Volatile Earth

450 - 460

20 Electrified Ether

40 Volatile Air

460 - 470

2 R19 Threatfinder

12 Obsidium Bar

12 Handful of Obsidium Bolts

4 Alicite

470 - 475

1 High-Powered Bolt Gun

10 Obsidium Bar

8 Handful of Obsidium Bolts

4 Electrified Ether

475 - 495

4 Elementium Toolbox

60 Elementium Bar

48 Volatile Earth


1 Finely-Tuned Throat Needler

4 Obsidium Bar Obsidium Bar

5 Hardened Elementium Bar

2 Electrified Ether


2 Volatile Thunderstick

12 Volatile Fire

10 Hardened Elementium Bar

4 Electrified Ether


7 Heat-Treated Spinning Lure

24 Elementium Bar

7 Volatile Fire

7 Handful of Obsidium Bolt


3 Gnomish X-Ray Scope

6 Hardened Elementium Bar

6 Dream Emerald


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