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WoW: Cataclysm Classic Guide to Leveling Cooking from 1-525

Cata Cooking Guide

Cooking is a useful skill for providing you and your team some much needed buffs, particularly when it comes to raiding. One of the most valuable dishes to go on raids with is Great Feasts, which can feed the entire team and provide 60 Attack Power, 35 Spell Power and 30 Stamina bonus for 1 hour. However, like any profession, the road to reaching max level can take a while, which is why we have made this guide to show you how to efficiently level your Cooking skill and whille making delicious snacks on the way.

Required Meat Ingredients for 1-300

If you plan to level up the Skinning profession, you can gather meat as a byproduct of skinning, so you should be able to hit two birds with one stone. You will need the following materials and amounts.

  • 40 Simple Flour
  • 40 Mild Spices
  • 10 Stringy Wolf Meat or 10 Chunk of Boar Meat
  • 25 Bear Meat
  • 25 Crawler Meat or 25 Crawler Claw
  • 100 Lean Wolf Flank or 50 Raptor Egg
  • 25 Raptor Egg or 25 Lion Meat
  • 25 Turtle Meat or 25 Raptor Flesh
  • 50 White Spider Meat or 25 Raptor Flesh
  • 50 Giant Egg or 50 Tender Wolf Meat
  • 25 Sandworm Meat
  • (1-40) Spice Bread (requires 1 Simple Flour, 1 Mild Spices which can be purchased cheaply from vendors)
  • (40-50) Charred Wolf Meat (requires 1 Stringy Wolf Meat each) or Roasted Boar Meat (requires 1 Chunk of Boar Meat each)
  • (50-70) Smoked Bear Meat (requires 1 Bear Meat each)
  • (70-85) Boiled Clams (requires 1 Clam Meat, 1 Refreshing Spring Water each)
  • (85-100) Crab Cake (requires 1 Crawler Meat, 1 Mild Spices) or Cooked Crab Claw (requires 1 Crawler Claw, 1 Mild Spices)
  • (100-130) Seasoned Wolf Kabob (requires 2 Lean Wolf Flank, 1 Stormwind Seasoning Herbs)
  • (130-175) Curiously Tasty Omelet (requires 1 Raptor Egg, 1 Hot Spices) or Hot Lion Chops (requires 1 Lion Meat, 1 Hot Spices each)
  • (175-200) Soothing Turtle Bisque (requires 1 Turtle Meat, 1 Soothing Spices each) or Roast Raptor (requires 1 Raptor Flesh, 1 Hot Spices each)
  • (200-225) Spider Sausage (requires 2 White Spider Meat each) or Roast Raptor (requires 1 Raptor Flesh, 1 Hot Spices each)
  • (225-275) Monster Omelet (requires 1 Giant Egg, 2 Soothing Spices each) or Tender Wolf Steak (requires 1 Tender Wolf Meat, 1 Soothing Spices each)
  • (285-300) Smoked Desert Dumplings (requires 1 Sandworm Meat, 1 Soothing Spices each)

Required Fish Ingredients for Level 1-300

If you prefer to level up your Fishing profession, you can still gather enough fish to level up in cooking simultaneously. To level up to 300, gather these fish and their quantities:

  • 50 Raw Brilliant Smallfish
  • 50 Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper
  • 75 Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish
  • 50 Raw Mithril Head Trout
  • 50 Raw Rockscale Cod
  • 25 Raw Spotted Yellowtail
  • 25 Raw Sunscale Salmon
  • 25 Large Raw Mightfish
  • (1-50) Brilliant Smallfish (requires 1 Raw Brilliant Smallfish each)
  • (50-100) Longjaw Mud Snapper (requires 1 Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper each)
  • (100-175) Bristle Whisker Catfish (requires 1 Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish each)
  • (175-225) Mithril Head Trout (requires 1 Raw Mithril Head Trout each)
  • (175-225) Rockscale Cod (requires 1 Raw Rockscale Cod each)
  • (225-250) Spotted Yellowtail (requires 1 Raw Spotted Yellowtail each)
  • (250-275) Poached Sunscale Salmon (requires 1 Raw Sunscale Salmon each)
  • (275-300) Mightfish Steak (requires 1 Large Raw Mightfish, 1 Hot Spices, 1 Soothing Spices each)

Level 300-325

You have four choices for recipes in this level range. Two of which require Meat and the other two Fish, so pick a dish that’s easiest to farm for you.

You can purchase three of these recipes from any vendor in a major city, while the other is a quest reward in the Zeppelin Crash site in Hellfire Peninsula.

You can get the meat needed for two of the recipes from beasts in the Hellfire Peninsula. Meanwhile, the fish ingredients can be easily obtained near Cenarion Refuge, with many safe fishing spots available.

  • Ravager Dog: 1x Ravager Flesh
  • Buzzard Bites: 1x Buzzard Meat (quest recipe)
  • Blackened Trout: 1x Barbed Gill Trout
  • Feltail Delight: 1x Spotted Feltail

Level 325-350

The Warp Burger uses meat that is dropped from Warp Stalkers in Terokkar Forest. While both the Roasted Clefthoof and the Talbuk Steak use meat farmed in Nagrand. However, Skinners might prefer to farm for Clefthoof Meat instead, since you can also get Thick Clefthoof Leather at the same time.

For the fish recipes, you can get Golden Darter in both Zangarmarsh and Terokkar to make Golden Fish Sticks.

  • Golden Fish Sticks: 1x Golden Darter
  • Warp Burger: 1x Warped Flesh
  • Roasted Clefthoof: 1x Clefthoof Meat
  • Talbuk Steak: 1x Talbuk Venison

Level 350-365

To make Northern Stew, you will need to complete the Northern Cooking quests. This particular dish is a requirement for the daily quest, so always have at least 4 stocked up so you can turn them in for XP.

  • 20x Northern Stew: 20x Chilled Meat

Level 365-375

For this bracket, you can make Rhino Dogs — the recipe can be learned by any Cooking trainer. This dish is also a requirement for a daily quest, so again, save these up for the next few levels.

  • 20x Rhino Dogs: 20x Rhino Meat Rhino Meat

Level 375-400

The recipe for Kungaloosh can be obtained by completing the quest from the Washed-Up Mage in Dalaran. You can conveniently purchase the ingredients below for cheap from Alfred Copperworth, the butler in Dalaran's Purple Parlor, from Applebough, the fruit vendor on the street below, and Umbiwa and Mimbihi in The Filthy Animal for Horde players.

  • 30x Kungaloosh: 60x Tundra Berries, 30x Savory Snowplum

Level 400-450

If you have done enough Cooking daily quests, you should earn some Epicurean's Awards, which is a currency used to buy rarer recipes from the cooking vendor in Dalaran. These recipes provide enough experience, so pick any recipe that is convenient enough for you to make.

Level 450-475

Repeat the process of Levels 400-450. If you can, visit your local Cooking trainer in any major city to learn Illustrious Grand Master Cooking.

Level 475-525

By this point, you will also start earning the Chef’s Award currency, which can buy you the highest-level recipes in the game currently. Each recipe costs 3 Chef’s Awards, so pick your poison and get cookin’ until you reach the max level.

  • Hearty Seafood Soup: 1x Blood Shrimp
  • Pickled Guppy: 1x Highland Guppy
  • Tender Baked Turtle: 1x Giant Turtle Tongue
  • Baked Rockfish: x1 Algaefin Rockfish
  • Basilisk Liverdog: x1 Basilisk Liver
  • Beer-Basted Crocolisk: x1 Crocolisk Tail
  • Blackbelly Sushi: x1 Blackbelly Mudfish
  • Crocolisk Au Gratin: x1 Crocolisk Tail
  • Delicious Sagefish Tail: x1 Deepsea Sagefish
  • Grilled Dragon: x1 Dragon Flank
  • Lavascale Minestrone: x1 Lavascale Catfish
  • Mushroom Sauce Mudfish: x1 Blackbelly Mudfish
  • Scalding Murglesnout: x3 Murglesnout
  • Severed Sagefish Head: x1 Deepsea Sagefish
  • Skewered Eel: x1 Fathom Eel
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