New World has a lot of features that players can try out. The game offers a lot more than just killing monsters and jumping from quest to quest. Trade Skills is one of the game’s core features, which mainly revolves around gathering or crafting activities. Various professions and life skills can be a source of income and exciting gameplay. Among all of these trade skills, Engineering is considered one of the most crucial talents in the game.


This profession is a Crafting Trade skill that allows gamers to create ranged weapons like Bows and Muskets. Engineers can also create ammunition for these long-ranged armaments. Ranking up in this profession will help players craft more powerful bows and muskets. This process allows adventurers to boost their Gear Score higher.

Engineering is usually done at Workshops and Forges. This profession mainly revolves around using the Workshop since this is where ranged weapons are made. This station is always found in almost every major settlement and town.

To create high-value weapons, players will need a high-tier workshop. Certain items can only be crafted in some tiered-crafting regions. These stations can be upgraded by participating in the Town Projects.

Related Skills

Engineering is a very resource-hungry profession. Due to the nature of the weapons it creates, this profession needs to make hundreds of ammunitions to supply arrows and bullets for battle. Creating these items requires tons of materials.

Though the ingredients for ammo can be obtained from other players, gathering these materials is a far better and more economical alternative. Instead of using money to buy crafting items, Engineers can benefit more from practicing other companion trade skills. Here are some professions that will go well with Engineering:

  • Smelting
  • Mining
  • Leatherworking
  • Harvesting
  • Logging
  • Weaving

Why Level Up Engineering?

While weapons are indeed very high in demand in Aeternum, ammunitions also sell very well in the marketplace. A high-level Engineer can create various high-quality munitions and high-tier weapons. Better quality items help increase the gear score of players, which is very important.

Reaching certain milestones in Engineering will also allow crafters to unlock new recipes. Engineers might also receive recipes for already known items, but they will have additional bonuses or passives. Leveling up this profession also expands the number of things that players can create and allows the creation of higher-quality weapons.

Ranking Up in Engineering

For aspiring Engineers, the main focus in their budding careers is to level up their profession to enable access to hundreds of recipes. Fortunately, ranking up in Engineering is not that hard. However, it can be tedious since it requires a lot of materials.

The best way to level up Engineering fast is to create hundreds of low-tier items. Many adventurers might think that crafting higher-quality items is better since it provides more exp per item. However, every time the Engineering level goes up, the number of materials needed for every craftable item increases. This situation means that high-quality equipment will need even more ingredients to create, which can be very expensive.

Low-tier items are ideal since they require fewer items and are easier to craft. Buying the materials needed from the marketplace is far cheaper. In addition, the ingredients for lower grade equipment can be easily gathered, which is a better alternative to buying them with money.

To help gamers get a better view of how many items they need to craft, here is the required exp per level bracket:

  • Level 0 to 50 - 11,125 XP
  • Level 50 to 100 – 86,250 XP
  • Level 100 to 150 – 404,550 XP
  • Level 150 to 200 – 1,379,500 XP

Note: While most players prefer to craft equipment or ammunition to level up, others take advantage of preparing Proficiency Boosters. These items only need Air and Soul Motes in addition to Water. Making them is the most efficient and optimal way of leveling up. However, this requires crafters to have level 20 Engineering and a steady supply of Motes from spending money or gathering. If players prefer the latter, they need to level up their Harvesting Skill.

How to Level Up to 200?

There are multiple items that players need to create to help in their progression. Though there are many gear or ammo to choose from, certain items are more helpful in leveling up due to the amount of exp they give and the materials they need. The piece that will be crafted depends on the current level bracket that Engineers are in.

Level 0 to 50

Gunpowder is the best material to craft to level quickly from 0 to 50. The materials for this item are very abundant and can be easily gathered. The following best materials to create are Iron Cartridges and Iron Arrows. Here are the ingredients for each item:

  • Gunpowder
  • 5 Charcoals
  • 2 Flints
  • 1 Saltpeter
  • Iron Cartridge
  • 4 Iron Ingots
  • 1 Linen
  • 1 Gunpowder
  • Iron Arrow
  • 4 Iron Ingots
  • 2 Timbers
  • 3 Feathers

Ideally, Engineers need to craft 140 pieces of Gunpowder to reach level 50. Alternatively, players can create 1015 sets of Gunpowder x5 to reach level 100. However, creating an excess of this item is not ideal since gamers will have too much of them for crafting other gear.

Crafters can choose to make 112 sets of 50 Iron Arrows to reach level 50. Iron cartridges are a good alternative after making tons of Gunpowder to be efficient with all of the materials they created.

Note: For those who want to use Weak Proficiency Booster to level up fast, they can only need to make 28 sets of Iron Arrows to reach rank 20 Engineering. They can then proceed to create 228 Weak Proficiency Boosters. To create one, players only need 1 Air Mote, 1 Soul Mote, and 1 Water.

Level 50 to 100

Lacquered Wood Bow would be the most efficient item to craft to level up faster at this bracket. This weapon will need far more raw materials than the previous things crafted in the first bracket. Fortunately, the ingredients can still be easily farmed. Here are the ingredients needed to create one:

  • Lacquered Wood Bow
  • 30 Aged Woods
  • 15 Timbers
  • 8 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 3 Coarse Leather
  • 8 Fibers

Players need to craft 173 of these to reach level 100. There are two alternative items that players can create. These are the Lacquered Wood Spear and Aged Wood Fishing Pool. Choosing either of the two will require gamers to develop 173 units of the selected item. Here are the ingredients for these pieces of equipment:

  • Lacquered Wood Spear
  • 25 Aged Woods
  • 13 Timbers
  • 7 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 2 Coarse Leather
  • Aged Wood Fishing Pole
  • 30 Aged Woods
  • 15 Timbers
  • 8 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 3 Coarse Leather
  • 8 Fibers

Players who want to use their stockpiled Gunpowder from the previous bracket can reach level 100 just by crafting more Iron Cartridges at rank 63 Engineering. Crafters will need to create 1,054 units of this item to get the next level bracket.

Note: Players can go straight from 50 to 200 by creating Common Proficiency Booster. They need to make 51,953 of this item directly to the highest level.

Level 100 to 150

At this point, there are multiple weapons or materials that gamers can create to reach level 150. Five pieces of equipment can help players get to the next bracket. Here are the items with the corresponding amount of how many they need to create:

  • 310 Wyrdwood Spears
  • 839 Starmetal Arrows
  • 1,218 Lacquered Wood Spears
  • 310 Wyrdwood Spears
  • 310 Wyrdwood Fishing Poles

Players only need to focus on one of these to reach 150. Here are the ingredients for each item:

  • Wyrdwood Spear
  • 56 Wyrdwoods
  • 42 Aged Woods
  • 21 Timbers
  • 20 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 2 Coarse Leather
  • Starmetal Arrow
  • 2 Starmetal Ingots
  • 9 Wyrdwoods
  • 7 Aged Woods
  • 4 Timbers
  • 4 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 3 Feathers
  • Lacquered Wood Spear
  • 13 Timbers
  • 25 Aged Woods
  • 6 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 2 Coarse Leather
  • Wyrdwood Bow
  • 65 Wyrdwood
  • 49 Aged Wood
  • 25 Timber
  • 23 Obsidian Sandpaper
  • 8 Fibers
  • 3 Coarse Leather
  • Wyrdwood Fishing Pole
  • 65 Wyrdwood
  • 49 Aged Wood
  • 25 Timber
  • 23 Obsidian Sandpaper
  • 8 Fibers
  • 3 Coarse Leather

There is one item that players can create to skyrocket them to level 200. Crafting 8,746 Treated Wood Spear will get Engineers from 100 to 200. However, many players find this too monotonous and unrewarding. Here are the ingredients needed for the Spear:

  • Treated Wood Spear
  • 5 Iron Ingot
  • 10 Timber
  • 2 Coarse Leather

Level 150 to 200

This bracket is the final stretch to reach 200. There are a total of six items that players can choose to create. Here are the number of units players need to craft for their desired item:

  • 501 Ironwood Spears
  • 1,669 Orichalcum Arrows
  • 1,581 Wyrdwood Spears
  • 501 Ironwood Bows
  • 501 Ironwood Fishing Poles
  • 4,292 Starmetal Arrows

Players only need to focus on one of these to reach 150. Here are the ingredients for each item:

  • Ironwood Spear
  • 97 Ironwood
  • 112 Wyrdwood
  • 84 Aged Wood
  • 42 Timber
  • 52 Obsidian Sandpaper
  • 5 Iron Ingot
  • 2 Coarse Leather
  • Orichalcum Arrow
  • 8 Orichalcum Ore
  • 13 Platinum Ore
  • 5 Gold Ingot
  • 4 Obsidian Flux
  • 2 Charcoal
  • 15 Ironwood
  • 17 Wyrdwood
  • 13 Aged Wood
  • 7 Timber
  • 8 Obsidian Sandpaper
  • 3 Feathers
  • Wyrdwood Spear
  • 56 Wyrdwoods
  • 42 Aged Woods
  • 21 Timbers
  • 20 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 2 Coarse Leather
  • Ironwood Bow
  • 112 Ironwood
  • 129 Wyrdwood
  • 96 Aged Wood
  • 48 Timber
  • 60 Obsidian Sandpaper
  • 8 Fibers
  • 3 Coarse Leather
  • Ironwood Fishing Pole
  • 112 Ironwood
  • 129 Wyrdwood
  • 96 Aged Wood
  • 48 Timber
  • 60 Obsidian Sandpaper
  • 8 Fibers
  • 3 Coarse Leather
  • Starmetal Arrow
  • 2 Starmetal Ingots
  • 9 Wyrdwoods
  • 7 Aged Woods
  • 4 Timbers
  • 4 Obsidian Sandpapers
  • 3 Feathers

Once gamers reach rank 200 Engineering, they can now focus on making money by creating sellable weapons. Getting the max level for this profession can be pretty tedious. However, it is very worth the time for those willing to grind for it.