How to Sell My Account?
Know How Much Your Genshin Impact Account Value is
It’s easy to end up with something that’s not worth what you pay for. Knowing how much your Genshin Impact account is worth can make a difference towards making a sale or none at all. No one likes overpriced accounts; who would pay more than a hundred dollars for an account that has only three-star characters in it?
Do the smart thing by accurately determining the value of your account by using our Genshin Impact account calculator. With this tool, you’ll be able to find out just how much your Genshin account is worth should you decide to sell it. It’s a great tool to use if you’re planning on selling multiple accounts all at once on our website. The account calculator is one of our many tools and services that you can use free of charge! That’s right, you don’t need to shell out a single penny for this—everything is free to use at any given time.
Knowing the value of your digital assets is key to having reasonably priced wares which results in sales. While you can price your accounts higher than what’s suggested in our account value calculator, our buyers will surely take notice. Don’t forget, since this tool is free to use, even potential buyers can make use of it. Say, for example, they see an account that they’re interested in but found out through our Genshin Impact account calculator that your price is higher than normal. They have two choices: negotiate the price or simply find another seller. The latter being the common response of both choices.
How Much is My Genshin Impact Account Worth?
The worth of your Genshin Impact account depends on how much it has going for it. For example, if you have the S-tier five-star characters, or at least one of them, then it’ll significantly increase the value of your account. Five-star characters are the rarest in Genshin Impact and they’re highly lucrative. This is because not everyone has the chance to own them due to the game’s gacha system. Many players top up Genesis Crystals to secure Wishes, increasing their chances of obtaining these highly sought-after characters.
While Genshin Impact is a great free-to-play open RPG experience at the beginning, it begins to falter in the late game where you’ll need at least one five-star character to be able to keep up with the stronger enemies. There are over two dozen playable characters in Genshin Impact, but unfortunately, only less than half of them give a bump to your account’s worth. If we had to pick which S-tier characters are the best to have in a Genshin Impact account, it would be Fischl (ranged), Qiqi (healer), Venti (ranged), and Diluc (DPS). A-tier characters are also a great addition since they’re capable as well, but nothing beats the power of S-tier characters.
Items can also determine the worth of your Genshin account. You can have top-of-the-line characters, but what if the weapons that they’re using aren’t that great? Having weak weapons not only diminishes the potential of your S-tier characters, but it also affects the overall value of your account. So don’t be cheap and invest in getting good weapons to pair with your characters! Besides having higher stats than run-off-the-mill weapons, they can be sold for a high price at shops.
Why You Should Use Our Genshin Impact Account Calculator
Having the knowledge of how much your account is worth and pricing it competitively is key to having tons of customers here in PlayerAuctions. No doubt there are a lot of sellers already within the game, but they have no inkling on how to price their wares. Instead of just coming up with a random number, it’s better to price your accounts fairly in accordance to what the suggested price that our account calculator has come up with.