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Fortnite Best Players

Best Fortnite Player

There are a few ways to quantify whether someone is the 'best' at something. Other times, the best is entirely subjective and can vary from person to person. Fortnite not only relies on skills and player mechanics. Every game has an element of luck and randomness, so we're listing the best players of Fortnite across various categories.


Kyle "Bugha" Giersdorf is almost a household name when talking about proficient Fortnite players. He's one of the game's most well-known players, owing to his domination of the 2019 Fortnite World Cup. Throughout that tournament, Bugha consistently kept his lead from the qualifiers to his ultimate victory.

That single win let him earn the highest prize pot of any Fortnite tournament, a whopping 3 million dollars. Bugha continued to perform in the top 5 of any competition he joined. He never got a position lower than 5th, except, somehow, in a Bugha lookalike contest where he placed 6th.

Bugha was in No Clout during his first year in eSports. He then moved to the Sentinels for three years and then moved to Dignitas from 2023 on. He's active as a Twitch streamer and YouTube content creator. A Bugha skin is in the game as part of the Icon Series, released in July 2021.

He's the one player almost everybody unanimously agrees to be the best Fortnite player of all time.


David "aqua" Wang is the top European pro player. That region is notorious for difficulty sustaining ranks because of the intense competition among highly skilled players. Still, aqua could continue showcasing his skills and keep his position despite the heightened rivalry.

His claim to fame is his win with Nyrox in the Duos category of the 2019 World Cup. While both players performed admirably, aqua was the driving force between them, turning their dire situation around. They later won the competition with one of the most impressive comebacks in gaming history.

He used to represent LootBoy Esports but has since become a free agent. He was also an active streamer, but a stream-sniping controversy put him off the activity. David Wang still competes regularly.


Shane "EpikWhale" Cotton is among the highest-earning Fortnite players, and his skills can back it up. He has won several tournaments and can place high in qualifiers and finals. Despite coming from a 'weak' region in West NA, he grabs Victory Royale often enough to be qualified as one of the bests.

He's an excellent team player, evidenced by most of his wins being Duos, Trios, or Quad categories. Not to say that he can't win solo, as he has a few of those under his belt. Still, he flies under the radar most of the time, despite having an active YouTube and Twitch channel.

EpikWhale used to run with Kungarna but moved to NRG Esports.NA in 2019. He stayed for around 3 years and then switched to TSM. It only lasted a year, and he's now a free agent. He's earned more than $1M by playing Fortnite.


Kyle "Mongraal" Jackson is a prolific Fortnite content creator in the UK. He's also one of the youngest tournament participants. Though he hasn't won any tournaments, he proves that age is just a number and has climbed to the high ranks despite being more youthful.

He's earned significant money from tournament winnings, despite failing to reach the amounts of others on this list. Still, young as he is, he has much potential to be better in the coming years.

Though he's still active in creating videos and streaming, he's cutting down on them to practice and become a better player. Some have noted that he's the British version of Tfue, except younger and more focused on improving.


Williams "Zayt" Aubin, a retired competitive Fortnite player, was dubbed 'Mr. Consistency' by many who watched his rise to fame. He's also known as Saf's (better) partner, and they dominated many Duo tournaments.

You can expect to see his name high on the rankings in teams or pairs if they didn't win outright. Zayt has participated in solo tournaments, but he does worse in them. Still, his frequent high rankings in team categories were enough to give him the nickname.

After retiring, Zayt moved to coach others in playing Fortnite for a while. After that, he has since moved on to Valorant. Even then, many who followed his journey agree that he's one of the best Fortnite players ever.

Honorable Mention: Tfue

Turner "Tfue" Tenny was once the king of tournaments and the face of Fortnite content creators. He dominated competitions in 2018 and early 2019, but his rankings fell eventually, and he focused on his videos more, quitting tournaments entirely in 2020.

Still, he's an honorable mention because of his popularity and skill. He was even accused of hacking because his aim was too accurate. The decline in rankings could be that his skills stagnated compared to other players or others were faster at adapting. After all, he dominated when the game was relatively new.

Turner has retired from gaming and making videos, uploading a 'Goodbye' video on June 20, 2023. In it, he says that he's started feeling trapped and that producing content isn't fun. Gaming was his escape from real life, and now it's been reversed. He began to think it was work, and he needed a break. While the wording implies he'll be back (and he says he doesn't know if he'll return), it may be a long time.

Who Are You Rooting For?

Thousands of Fortnite pro players aim to be the best. However, looking at the above players, there's a high hurdle to vault over. Still, with support and hours and hours of practice, they can climb as high (or even higher) than these stars in the Fortnite fandom.


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