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Sell WoW Expansion Classic PowerLeveling Today

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Make Money Playing WoW Cataclysm Classic

Many players wishing to try out all classes and grow their WoW account will have to go through the leveling process again. Since Classic has no cross-faction play between Alliance and Horde players, players will have to create two characters in both factions to play with friends on the other side. Starting fresh in Classic WoW can be a challenge for players rerolling a new toon, which is why players are willing to purchase the services of a powerleveler with cash. This way, they can quickly jump right into the endgame with their static group from another faction.

Optimized leveling guide

In order from lowest experience reward to highest, these are the following activities that will grant experience:

  • Mob grinding
  • Questing
  • Dungeon clearing

Mob grinding was the original means of leveling up, as enemies will scale appropriately to the character’s level. However, players will typically prioritize doing all the quests in the region instead, as these missions provide a solid chunk of XP for doing easy fetch or kill quests. These also provide some decent starting gear for fresh characters. Once sufficiently leveled and geared enough, dungeons become the best possible option when it comes to XP farming, as not only do they have dense mob allocation, but they also reward the highest XP gains per clear. Players doing dungeons can do all three activities at the same time, as some NPCs have quests that require doing specific objectives while inside a dungeon.

Players who log off inside an inn, tavern, or any capital city will accumulate a bonus called Rested. This bonus effectively doubles the amount of experience gained from killing mobs and other activities. The longer a player stays logged out, the more this bonus will cover the XP bar until it is fully consumed. If a powerleveler needs to take a break, logging off in any rest area is efficient for future powerleveling.

With Classic Cataclysm, players can also wear items called Heirlooms that not only have attributes that scale to level, but also provide a nice boost to experience gains upon wearing them. These items can be obtained from Heirloom vendors in Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Undercity, Stormwind and Icecrown.

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