Path of Exile 2’s the Sacrificial Heart item requires bringing it to a certain altar in Aggorat of Act 3. This item can give you 2 passive points and 2 weapon tree passive points once you complete its related quest.

Where To Find the Sacrificial Heart

The Sacrificial Heart has no static enemy that drops it. Instead, it’s a random drop once you reach the city of Utzaal. You may have to keep exploring and killing mobs around the latter half of Act 3 to get this to drop.

Locate Aggorat

During Act 3, you get the opportunity to time travel back to Utzaal. The altar will only appear in the past version of Utzaal and not in the present, so make sure you progress through the story enough to unlock time traveling.

Once you're in the past version of Utzaal, keep exploring until you find the entrance of Aggorat. From there, you can find the sacrificial altar. There’s no static spot for where the altar spawns, but it can usually be found on the top right or top left corner of the map, depending on the randomized layout. This interactable object is marked by the Sacrificial Dagger next to the altar.

Using the Sacrificial Dagger

Simply take the Sacrificial Dagger and interact with the altar while having the Sacrificial Heart in your inventory. You’ll immediately earn your free 2 passive and 2 weapon tree passive points.