Hunting for behemoths in Monster Hunter World can be tedious, especially if you travel on foot. Fortunately, you can easily access various parts of each map by utilizing the sub-camp features. Players can use these outposts to travel between places quickly, but you must unlock them first. This guide will provide hunters with the locations of each map's sub-camp sites.
Monster Hunter World Camps
Players can visit seven maps in Monster Hunter World, each with a different climate and environment. Each area contains two to four sub-camps scattered throughout the zones. These outposts are hard to find and can be found in hard-to-reach places. Their locations ensure that monsters won’t randomly stray into these camps and ransack them.
It is essential to unlock these camps because they allow you to travel fast on the map and serve as respawn points whenever you faint during hunts. Gamers might need help looking for these outposts because they are well-hidden and usually situated on the edges of inaccessible places. You will have to go out of your way to find them, which is why this guide is vital for finding them quickly. Here are all the locations of each camp:
Ancient Forests Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southwest Camp – You can find this outpost at the lower edge of the map on the southwest path.
- Zone 8 Northwest Camp – You can find this camp on the north side of Zone 8 just before you enter the bigger field.
- Zone 11 Northeast Camp – You can find this outpost in Zone 11 just before you enter the path going to Zone 6.
- Zone 17 Ancient Forest Camp – You can find this camp on top of the trees in Zone 17.
Wildspire Waste Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southwest Camp – You can find this camp in Zone 1 in the small cove below the larger field.
- Zone 6 Central Camp - You can find this camp in the southern part of Zone 6 inside the mountain.
- Zone 11 Eastern Camp - You can find this camp on the bottom floor of Zone 11. It's on the upper side, away from where monsters usually roam.
- Zone 15 Northeast Camp - You can find this camp on the bottom floor of Zone 15 before you enter a cavern on the northernmost side.
Coral Highlands Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southern Camp - You can find this camp inside a cavern on the Southwest side of Zone 1.
- Zone 12 Northern Camp – You can find this camp on the top floor of Zone 10 just before you enter Zone 14.
Rotten Vale Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southmost Camp - You can find this camp after following a hidden path on the southernmost side of Zone 1.
- Zone 11 Central Camp - You can find this camp on the bottom floor of Zone 11 near the pathway going to Zone 6 and Zone 8.
Elder’s Recess Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southern Camp - You can find this camp on the pathway going to Zone 2.
- Zone 4 Eastern Camp - You can find this camp in the center of Zone 4 at the top of a hill.
- Zone 16 Northwest Camp - You can find this camp after defeating the Negrigante. Slaying this dragon will open Zone 14, a small tunnel leading players to Zone 16.
Hoarfrost Reach Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southern Camp – This camp is on the southernmost side of Zone 1.
- Zone 5 Western Camp – You can find this camp at the top of the mountains on the lower west side of Zone 5.
- Zone 7 Central Camp - You can find this camp upon entering Zone 7 from Zone 6.
- Zone 12 Shipwreck Camp (Bottom Floor) - This camp is middle of Zone 12.
- Zone 15 Northeast Camp - You can find this camp after entering the pathway just before Zone 14.
Guiding Lands Camp Locations
- Zone 1 First Western Camp - You can find this camp as soon as you enter the Guilding Lands.
- Zone 3 Eastern Camp - You can find this camp on the southeast side of Zone 3 after passing an obstacle course.
How to Unlock Them
Discovering the camps will mark them on the map for you. However, you won’t be able to use them until you complete the corresponding Delivery Quest. These tasks are called “Setting up Camp,” which you can accept from Astera. These quests are easy since you only need to return two unique items to the Research Center. Here are all the missions to unlock each camp:
Ancient Forests Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southwest Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 8 Northwest Camp – Delivery Quest: Ancient Forest I (2 Iron Ore and 1 Ancient Bone)
- Zone 11 Northeast Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 17 Ancient Forest Camp – Delivery Quest: Ancient Forest II (1 Anjanath Pelt and 2 Monster Bone L)
Wildspire Waste Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southwest Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 6 Central Camp – Delivery Quest: Wildspire Waste I (2 Vespoid Shell and 1 Monster Bone M)
- Zone 11 Eastern Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 15 Northeast Camp – Delivery Quest: Wildspire Waste II (1 Rathian Scale and Monster Bone L)
Coral Highlands Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southern Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 12 Northern Camp – Delivery Quest: Coral Highlands (1 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku-Hide and Monster Bone M)
Rotten Vale Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southmost Camp - Automatic Unlock
- Zone 11 Central Camp – Automatic Unlock
Elder’s Recess Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southern Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 8 Eastern Camp - Delivery Quest: Elder’s Recess I (2 Barnos Hide and Monster Bone+)
- Zone 16 Northwest Camp - Delivery Quest: Elder’s Recess II (1 Dodogame Hide and 2 Wingdrake Hide)
Hoarfrost Reach Camp Locations
- Zone 1 Southern Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 5 Western Floor – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 7 Central Camp - Delivery Quest: Hoarforst Reach I (1000 Research Points and 1 Tobi-Kadachi Membrane+)
- Zone 12 Shipwreck Camp (Bottom Floor) - Automatic Unlock
- Zone 15 Northeast Camp – Delivery Quest: Hoarfrost II (1200 Research Points and 1 Azure Rathalos Fellwing)
Guiding Lands Camp Locations
- Zone 1 First Western Camp – Automatic Unlock
- Zone 3 Eastern Camp – Delivery Quest: Guilding Lands I (3 Heavy Dragonvein Bone and 1 Prosperous Crystal)
Finding the campsites should be a priority among hunters. They provide various benefits, such as allowing quick travel and serving as respawn points. These areas make it easier for hunters to spend less time traveling and focus more on hunting.