This Unique Ring is considered one of the rarer items in the game, which can only be found on a specific Timeline in the Monoliths of Fate. The Red Ring of Atlaria is sought after by many players for its powerful affixes, which provide a lot of general utility for many classes. In this article, we will discuss on how you can obtain the Red Ring of Atlaria for yourself and where to find this powerful Unique.

Red Ring of Atlaria Affixes

The affixes on this Unique are the following: 3 to 8% implicit movement speed, 4 to 5 points to all attributes, 15 to 20% to all resistances, 15 to 20% health regeneration, 15 to 20% mana regeneration, 15 to 20% dodge rating, and 10% damage resistances if you have a total of 180 attribute points or more.

This ring provides a lot of defensive stats that can supplement all the other damage resistance-oriented affixes in the rest of your gear. Having resistances is key to surviving much of the endgame and should always be at the 75% cap to prevent getting one shot from weaker boss attacks and mobs.

Red Ring of Atlaria Target Farm Location

This Unique is a random world drop and doesn’t belong to any boss loot pool. Since the drop chance for this ring is very low, the best way to farm for this specific Ring is by going into the Monoliths of Fate and entering the Age of Winter on its Empowered Timeline variant, as this version will exclusively drop Unique and Set rings as node rewards. Take note that this will require a fair bit of farming, so to further increase your drop chances, make sure that the Timeline’s Corruption level is high enough to increase the rarity of all loot within that Monolith.

If you wish to push the Corruption level of a Timeline higher, follow this process:

  • Defeat the boss of that Timeline to gain a stack of Gaze of Orobyss.
  • Repeat the first step until you have enough stacks.
  • Go to the Echo of a World node found on the edge of the web.
  • Defeat the Shade of Orobyss to reset the Timeline and gain increased Corruption.

Loot Modifiers to Stack

One way you can target farm for the Red Ring of Atlaria is by spending Favor with the Circle of Fortune and buying Prophecies with said currency. Go to the Accessory telescope in the Circle of Fortune and find a star node that drops Unique Rings on a boss kill. If possible, bring your Circle of Fortune rank to at least rank 6 since you will gain another supplemental modifier to get more Ring drops is by taking the Monolith Blessing: Grand Talon of Grandeur in The Stolen Lance timeline, which increases your Ring drop rate between 35% and 75%, and the Grand Winds of Fortune in The Fall of the Outcast Timeline, which increases your Unique drop rate between 16% to 22%. These two blessings synergize with each other to help you roll for this ring more often.

You can try your luck with the Forge by using the Rune of Ascendance item, which converts any item into a Unique of that item type. To craft this ring, first, you must use a Silver Ring as the base item. Then, slot in the Rune of Ascendance in the rune slot in the crafting menu. Click on the Upgrade button to see if your ring will convert into the Red Ring of Atlaria. If not, use another Rune of Ascendancy and try again.